@ralight I'll be missing #oshcamp sadly, but I may "need" a #mosquitto pin. Because, for reasons that are completely important. So I shall be on the lookout for a store option.
I've had a batch of enamel pin badges made with the #Mosquitto #mqtt logo on, they're lovely.
When I've got everything arranged, I'll be selling them with the intention of making enough to recoup the costs.
If you're at Wuthering bytes / oshcamp this weekend and want one, let me know!
Can I configure Mosquitto to accept the same clientid in different listeners with different mount_points?
Baseically having multiple completely separated instances, running in the same process?
Or should I just run a separate process with separate config file?
Running #HomeAssitant on my #raspberrypi4 2gb with #DebianBookworm was so so slow as the browser plus HA ran out of memory. So scrapped the Pi, bought a reconditioned Lenovo Tiny M93p PC from Amazon, wiped the Windows, installed Debian and now it's far better. It's roughly three times the size of the Pi, so that's OK as still small.
#smarthome #ZigBeeMQTT #mosquitto
#HomeAssitant #raspberrypi4 #DebianBookworm #smarthome #zigbeemqtt #mosquitto
@Rhoseigh mainly home lab stuff and some self-written apps:
#MariaDB Galera
#Mosquitto mqtt
#Velero Cluster Backup
#Wireguard VPN
working on a blog posts with learnings and tips for getting these up and running….
#adguardhome #docker #gitea #homeassistant #hugo #mariadb #minio #mosquitto #portainer #trafefik #vaultwarden #velero #wireguard
@dada j'en ai un 🙂
Il marche nickel, je l'utilise avec un
dongle Sonoff et #Zigbee2Mqtt.
Les données partent sur mon broker #mqtt (#Mosquitto), et sont ensuite consommées par 2 services : #HomeAssistant, et #mqtt2prometheus.
Parce que j'aime bien avoir la conso dans Home Assistant, mais je préfère la souplesse de #Grafana pour la visualisation de l'historique, et avoir la donnée disponible dans mes dashboards 🙂
#zigbee2mqtt #mqtt #mosquitto #homeassistant #mqtt2prometheus #grafana
Have now got Debian Buster 64 setup on my #raspberrypi #raspberrypi4b running just nicely.
Also have done a SD Flash with #arch 64 (which I prefer), installed it using terminal line by line, and got that working just fine as a test system.
Using the #Debian setup though as couldn't get #ha #HomeAssitant #Sonoff usb dongle, #ZigBeeMQTT #mosquitto to install on Arch. Sadly all is done for them to run on Debian. 😢 Been a busy couple of days 😁
#raspberrypi #raspberrypi4b #arch #debian #ha #HomeAssitant #sonoff #zigbeemqtt #mosquitto
@stvo Kannst du dir nicht (je nachdem, was du vor hast) was über #mqtt und z. B. #Python basteln? Wenn du eh nur Kleinigkeiten machen willst und dir eine ganze Heimautomatisierung zu viel ist.
Mein Homeassistant kommuniziert mit den Tasmotas auch über mqtt, #mosquitto sollte ja eigentlich recht lightweight sein.
Was sind eure beliebtesten Docker-Anwendungen im Homeserver?
Bei mir:
- #Nextcloud
- #homeassistant
- #pihole
- #mastodon
- #shellinabox
- #teamspeak
- #wallabag
- #gitlab
- #zigbee2mqtt
- #zwave2mqtt
- #mosquitto
#nextcloud #homeassistant #pihole #mastodon #shellinabox #teamspeak #wallabag #gitlab #zigbee2mqtt #zwave2mqtt #mosquitto
When the ride ends and is uploaded to strava...
Strava calls a web hook on a publicly hosted server
This web server puts a message on Mosquitto MQTT topic on the same host
The private web server subscribes to this topic and puts it a private
Mosquitto MQTT topic
HomeAssistant reads from the topic and updates a custom entity status
#homeassistant #garmin #wireguard #mosquitto #mqtt #monkeyc #hass
#homeassistant #garmin #wireguard #mosquitto #mqtt #monkeyc #hass
HomeAssistant now detects when I’m out cycling!
The flow is a little convoluted…
I wrote a garmin datafield app that calls a URL approx every five mins
The url is privately hosted behind a firewall with a wireguard VPN that my iPhone is always connected to
When the url is hit, the web server puts a message on a Mosquitto MQTT topic
HomeAssistant reads from the topic and updates a custom entity status
#homeassistant #garmin #wireguard #mosquitto #mqtt #monkeyc #hass
#homeassistant #garmin #wireguard #mosquitto #mqtt #monkeyc #hass
Took a trip to Legoland Birmingham today. I did not neglect my children, honest! #mosquitto #mqtt
@marian @thoralf naja… #iobroker und ein #mosquitto kann man sehr schnell im Docker hochziehen. Für HA sollte es ja eine richtige VM sein, oder direkt auf Blech.
Nu när äntligen elproblematiken i växthuset är löst (tack vare en #solpanel), har jag återupptagit projektet att logga temperatur, luftfuktighet och ljus därinne. Hittade en gammal #XDK110, fick igång utvecklingsomgivningen och kunde flasha XDK:n. Nu rapporterar den till en #mosquitto (MQQT broker) som kör på en raspi. Det är roligt att leka lite igen!
Screw it. ESP8266WiFi's WiFiClientSecure and PubSubClient don't seem to play nicely enough to let me connect to #Mosquitto with an #nginx SSL proxy in front. Just gonna expose the raw container port for now so I can close my friggin window blinds. #ThingsINeverImaginediWouldSay #homeassistant
#mosquitto #nginx #thingsineverimaginediwouldsay #homeassistant
Stupid me: "oh, #esphome can't program my USB device through my browser because it's not running over HTTPS. No worries, I'll #LetsEncrypt it with Swag/Nginx".. 15 minutes later... "While I'm at it, why not do #homeassistant, #mosquitto, etc etc. This will be easy". 3 hours later: "why can't my fucking esp32 speak MQTT over fucking SSL? Fuck this shit I'm going to bed"
#esphome #letsencrypt #homeassistant #mosquitto
Ja, das soll dauerhaft laufen...
Der Datenweg ist dann folgender:
Wechselrichter -> #openDTU -> #mosquitto -> #openHAB -> #smartVISU
#openDTU #mosquitto #openhab #smartVISU
So one upgrade later and we have Mosquitto V2 😀 courtesy of Bullseye via https://linuxhint.com/upgrade-raspberry-pi-os-buster-to-bullseye/ with one minor glitch - no network following boot which turned out to be an error in the dhcpcd systemd file fix courtesy of https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/133376/fix-error-failed-to-start-dhcp-client-daemon-after-upgrade-to-bullseye-remot
Thank heavens for internet search. #Debian #Raspbian #Mosquitto #MQTT #dhcpcd
#debian #raspbian #mosquitto #mqtt #dhcpcd