2:33 PM
Gaspar Md'N
2:35 PM
Gaspar Md'N
I Ran Domains.
2:35 PM
Gaspar Md'N
Arbiters Arbitrate. Gods cede.
2:36 PM
Gaspar Md'N
🧑🏫: FICTION: Fantasy Made Reality.
2:37 PM
Gaspar Md'N
2:37 PM
Gaspar Md'N
Fiction as Allegories is a GREEK Perversion.
2:39 PM
Gaspar Md'N
And OMG leave the SLAVS BE.
2:39 PM
Gaspar Md'N
Thx, #NKVD.
2:40 PM
Gaspar Md'N
#Mossad Fucks Off.
2:41 PM
Gaspar Md'N
No, no. Please let's all just leave Africa alone.
2:44 PM
Gaspar Md'N
I don't Speak for Arabs. Not my Department.
2:45 PM
Gaspar Md'N
ElWin has some Jokes ready.
2:49 PM
Gaspar Md'N
ATheists play DANGEROUS Games. Better to be IgNostic.
#Mossad in ex-johtaja #TamirPardo sanonut miehitetyn Länsirannan tilannetta apartheidiksi.
"Moni muukin israelilaisviranomainen ja diplomaatti on ilmaissut huolensa siitä, että #Israel on muuttumassa #apartheid-valtioksi."
#Länsiranta #Pardo #Palestiina #palestiinalaiset #juutalaiset
#mossad #tamirpardo #israel #apartheid #lansiranta #pardo #palestiina #palestiinalaiset #juutalaiset
Twitter wanting you to hand government-issued ID over to Israel (ISRAEL FFS?! #mossad) to verification to their hellsite is going to be as hilarious a disaster as it will be tragic.
I like that good #SciFi stories don't get obsolete even if they mention CDs, CD-ROMs and some such old shit. Plus, this is a truly #globalised story, though it mostly takes place in Finland and #AlandIslands, with all your popular villains mentioned in passing: #KGB #Mossad #Maphiya #mercs #Semtex #OnlineMoneyLaundering #Spetznas #OffshoreBankers and many more.
So happy to have found
"The Littlest Jackal" (1996) by @bruces .
#LeggyStarlitz #Bookstodon #ShortStories
#scifi #globalised #alandislands #kgb #mossad #maphiya #mercs #semtex #onlinemoneylaundering #spetznas #offshorebankers #leggystarlitz #bookstodon #shortstories
Are we ready this time?
Russia, which is Putin , has a more personal stake in 2024 than even in 2016. The GRU has been waiting for this moment, so has Bibi Netanyahu’s Mossad and Chinese security teams.
#mossad #gru #russia #ukraine
Joe Biden stands in the way #voteblue #staywoke #Woke
#mossad #gru #Russia #ukraine #voteblue #staywoke #woke
cypriot · hitman · island · israelis · mossad
#news #island #mossad
#Film Operation Finale #Eichmann #Mossad https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Finale
Today in Labor History July 8, 1972: Israeli Mossad assassinated Palestinian writer and PFLP leader Ghassan Kanafani.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #PRLP #palestine #israel #mossad #assassination #zionism #GhassanKanafani
#workingclass #LaborHistory #prlp #palestine #israel #mossad #assassination #zionism #GhassanKanafani
Avi Shlaim says he has 'proof of Zionist involvement' in 1950s attack on Iraqi Jews. Bombshell. #Iraq #Mossad @iraq @israel
Accordo segreto con Israele, l’altra faccia del lodo Moro https://insorgenze.net/2023/06/17/accordo-segreto-con-israele-laltra-faccia-del-lodo-moro/ #ArchiviocentraledelloStato #LanciamissiliSa-7 #StefanoGiovannone #stragediBologna #NinettoLugaresi #SilvioDiNapoli #AbuAnzehSaleh #FulvioMarini #Cablogrammi #LodoCossiga #neofascisti #LodoMoro #AbuNidal #Anni70 #Armeni #Beirut #Mossad #Ortona #Strela #Asala #Sismi #Fplp #Nar
#ArchiviocentraledelloStato #LanciamissiliSa #StefanoGiovannone #stragedibologna #NinettoLugaresi #SilvioDiNapoli #AbuAnzehSaleh #FulvioMarini #Cablogrammi #LodoCossiga #neofascisti #LodoMoro #AbuNidal #anni70 #armeni #beirut #mossad #ortona #strela #Asala #Sismi #fplp #nar
Buongiorno Palestina 121 https://radiowombat.net/buongiorno-palestina-121/ #Amiciziaitalo-palestinese #BuongiornoPalestina #viaggidiconoscenza #assopacepalestina #esperienzadiretta #coniproipriocchi #CulturaèLibertà #Betlemme #Armando #Mossad #Baha
#Amiciziaitalo #buongiornopalestina #viaggidiconoscenza #assopacepalestina #esperienzadiretta #coniproipriocchi #CulturaèLibertà #betlemme #Armando #mossad #baha
Israel-Morocco Quid Pro Quo: Joining Abraham Accords in Return for Israeli Arms, Spyware and EU Lobbying
#MideastPeace #AbrahamAccords #europeanunion #IsraeliAssassinations #mossad
#mideastpeace #AbrahamAccords #europeanunion #israeliassassinations #mossad
agent · israel · mossad · sank
#news #israel #mossad
Lake Maggiore shipwreck related to Mossad and Italian Intelligence Service meeting?
Medias in Italy inform that on the sunken boat there were agents from the Israeli Mossad and the Italian DIS, giving a new approach to the tragedy.
#italy #mossad #israel #shipwreck #lagomaggiore
Questa cosa assume contorni inquietanti. Che ci facevano agenti dei #Servizi italiani, agenti del #Mossad e #russi sulla stessa barca?
#servizi #mossad #russi #naufragio #lagomaggiore
I wish the #Republicans had not made this so partisan!
I’d like to know what this jew was up to! (a lot of rich & powerful are caught up in the Mossad honey trap)
Current #CIA director Bill #Burns met with Jeffrey #Epstein multiple times, long after Epstein’s crimes against children became public, according to #WSJ.
#rats #israel #honeytrap #mossad #wsj #epstein #burns #cia #republicans
Leaked documents: As the Biden administration races to investigate a leak of classified U.S. documents, Washington and Jerusalem are remaining silent about a particularly sensitive disclosure within the trove of files: An alleged revolt by Israel’s top spy service against the judicial reforms proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. https://archive.is/RHKSV #nomoa #Israel #Mossad