Did some light prep for next year's #BulletJournal. I used to love exploring various layouts, but after 2 solid years of using the same one, I decided to get a horizontal half-year undated planner from #Mossery.
Last year was full of starts and restarts. I'd keep a #BuJo for a few weeks and then stop. When I got busy, it stopped altogether because it's easier to use GCal and a daily task list.
I'm hoping 2023 won't be as frantic as this year, but I'm also looking forward to new adventures.
Mosstodonians, Did you know that a #mossery is a place where mosses are grown?
“At first, they should be kept well watered, but afterwards the mosses must be left alone, for they abhor to be meddled with, and will revenge themselves upon all busy-bodies by refusing to grow …”
British Mosses, their homes, aspects, structure, and uses : with a figure of each species etched from nature, F.E. Tripp, 1868.
Link to the volume: https://archive.org/details/b28058720/page/30/mode/1up
#mossery #mosstodon #bryophyta #moss