Hi! Sorry for the long delay, there's something new for you today.
Today, we'll be talking about Mossflower Pictures. Mossflower Pictures makes music videos for a living, but has made an ARG, that invites the spirit of friendship! Here's the link to the first chapter: https://mossflowerpictures.com/CHAPTER-1
If you want a nice catch up, Night Mind has released a video on this game, right here. https://youtu.be/--N-BOIB9FE
The puzzles are nicely crafted, and everything about this game is interestingly done! The story is great, and you'll have a blast with this.
#MossflowerPictures #ARG #AlternateRealityGames #puzzles #puzzlehunt
#mossflowerpictures #ARG #alternaterealitygames #puzzles #puzzlehunt