More discussion in regards to #mossyearth
The latest update to our wetland project! #Rewilding #Wetlands #Ecology #Ecosystems #Conservation #Nature #MossyEarth
#rewilding #wetlands #ecology #ecosystems #conservation #nature #mossyearth
@paulcox It is clear & concise. I'll be joining as member before end of month. Will help spread the word about #MossyEarth 👍 These are necessary, meaningful projects that I support & interested in being more involved with this grassroots organization🌍
#ClimateChange mitigation as an Everything, Everywhere, All at Once philosophy and strategy, in action at #MossyEarth.
Their videos are hopeful and examples of the kinds of ideas and real world projects that I believe we need to implement, well, #EEAAO
#eeaao #mossyearth #ClimateChange
Mossy Earth looking for more members.
#Nature #rewildingnews #rewilding #mossyearth
Distraí-me a ver mais uns vídeos da #MossyEarth e só agora percebi que os #incêndios de #Portugal em 2017 foram o motivador para a criação da organização.
#mossyearth #Incendios #portugal
“We planted a forest in the ashes – here’s what happened [in the following 6 years]”
#MossyEarth "We're planting 1,000,001 trees in Iceland - here's how" 🇮🇸🌱🌳
#mossyearth #reforesting #forest #iceland
I love #MossyEarth and all their projects! This is a riparian zone #rewilding using artificial beaver dams in #scotland which will hopefully help to make this place attractive for beavers and many other species again.
#mossyearth #rewilding #scotland
Há anos que ando a pensar tornar-se sócio da #MossyEarth, mas a anuidade é carota e já sou sócio de 3 ONGAs tugas, mas olha, faço a troca, Público pela MossyEarth e o planeta e o meu bem-estar saem a ganhar.
Vídeo muito fixe, como de costume com a #MossyEarth, sobre a #renaturalização de uma pedreira abandonada em #Portugal:
#mossyearth #renaturalizacao #portugal
Wat ik nog steeds een heel inspirerend team mensen vind, zijn degenen die bij Mossy Earth werken aan het "rewilden" van de planeet. Vooral hun YouTube video's zijn leuk en educatief:
#MossyEarth #biodiversity #green
#green #biodiversity #mossyearth
Every now and then I check in on my #MossyEarth membership and see that there are a BUNCH of exciting and complex projects they've been working on since I last looked. Never gets old.