Most Haunted: The Stage Show
Considering the TV show turned out to be one big pantomime, they might as well put their shenanigans on stage for suckers to pay and watch.
#mosthaunted #paranormal #fake #fail #pantomime
My review of the DVD Most Haunted: The Collection – Gives Paranormal Investigators a Bad Name, But Fun to Watch #DVDReview #guiltypleasure #hauntings #medium #MostHaunted #paranormal #paranormalshows #spiritualmedium #UnitedKingdomghosts
#dvdreview #guiltypleasure #hauntings #medium #mosthaunted #paranormal #paranormalshows #SpiritualMedium #unitedkingdomghosts
This was a pleasant surprise to find they are still doing Most Haunted Live. #MostHaunted