Bonjour les p’tits mammouths, bien dormi ?
Lundi, force et courage à tous !
Motörhead - Heroes (David Bowie Cover)
Today is Lemmy's birthday. Happy Lemmymas, everyone!
#lemmy #lemmykilmister #motorhead #motörhead
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #CraigCharles
🎵 Ace Of Spades
#nowplaying #CraigCharles #motörhead
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #LaurenLaverne
🎵 Ace Of Spades
#nowplaying #LaurenLaverne #motörhead
[1984] The Young Ones - Motörhead perform Ace of Spades as the lads race to get the train in time for their appearance on University Challenge.
#OldBritishTelly #theyoungones #motörhead
21/23 is #Saxon's 2015 release #BatteringRam
I was supposed to see them in 2016 at this very tour, supporting #Motörhead. Well, that sadly never happened...
And what a f***ing shame that is, because Battering Ram is something else, WOW!
Honestly, I did not expect this in my #SexySexon #Metaljourney!
#metaljourney #SexySexon #motörhead #BatteringRam #saxon
So far, I hear early #PowerMetal. You can clearly tell that #Saxon had a new drummer on this record.
A lot of the #Motörhead resemblance was actually because of the drumming, reminded me a lot of #PhilTaylor.
#Nightmare has a bit of a hair metal vibe to it 🤔
Very interesting record so far! Maybe even the best on my #SexySaxon #Metaljourney yet.
#metaljourney #SexySaxon #nightmare #philtaylor #motörhead #saxon #powermetal
Ach herrje. Jeder soll ja machen was er möchte, aber für dieses Metaverse Ding bin ich wohl zu alt.
Das Ozzfest fand jetzt das erste mal virtuell im Decentraland statt und alles was ich dazu gesehen habe, könnte langweiliger nicht sein 😂
Wer zur Hölle bezahlt für sowas Geld (umsonst wird es das ja wohl nicht geben?) #motörhead #rock
For #Christmas I’d like one hour in a #Velodrome on a #Brompton while “Ace of Spades” by #Motörhead is playing in a loop.
#motörhead #christmas #Velodrome #brompton
Moin! ☕🥐
Mit Motörhead geht es in den kleinen Freitag. 🤘🏻
#motörhead #lemmy #metal #kleinerfreitag
#kleinerfreitag #metal #lemmy #motörhead
Ah, Spotify spült mir grad ganz viel #Motörhead in das Mixtape. So musses laufen.
Ce jour en 1984, #BronskiBeat a sorti son premier album studio "The Age of Consent" avec le single "Small-town Boy".
Il y a 35 ans, le 15 oct 1987, #JoeSatriani sortait l'album "Surfing with the Alien".
Il y a 26 ans, le 15 oct 1996, #Motörhead sortait l'album "Overnight Sensation".
#CountingCrows a sorti "Recovering The Satellites" le 15 oct 1996.
#CountingCrows #motörhead #joesatriani #bronskibeat