Savez-vous pourquoi notre planète ne ressemble à aucune autre❓
Voyez les températures moyennes
🥵Mercure 167°C
🥵Vénus 464°C
🌎Terre 15°C
🥶Mars -65°C
🥶Jupiter -110°C
🥶Saturne -140°C
🥶Uranus -195°C
🥶Neptune -200°C
Chaque jour, pensons à protéger notre 🌍
Les connaissances et l'expérience des peuples autochtones sont inestimables oiur faire face au déreglement climatique.
Ils représentent une voix cruciale dans les décisions qui ont un impact sur notre 🌎 comme nous l'explique Patricia Gualinga
#JourneeDeLaTerre #motherearthday
#MotherEarthDay | Chipo is a young committed wildlife conservationist working in Mucheni Community Conservancy in #Zimbabwe.🇿🇼
The #SWMProgramme is supporting Chipo and Community Conservancies in this region to improve livelihoods and sustainably manage wildlife 🦓🦒
#motherearthday #zimbabwe #swmprogramme
#MotherEarthDay | To overcome #water 💧 scarcity in the #Sahel, farmers are innovating.
Follow the @FairSahel agronomists as they meet farmers in #Senegal🇸🇳 to find out about the challenges they face and their ingenious solutions 👉 https://bit.ly/3LjiAAW
@francediplo_EN @AFD_en
#motherearthday #water #sahel #senegal
Mother Earth feeds us!
Her good health is essential to our food production & #FoodSecurity.
We must reduce pesticides use and practice sustainable agriculture to protect nature & farmers' livelihoods.
For #MotherEarthDay, join our call: http://act.greens-efa.eu/no-nature-no-food
#nonaturenofood #motherearthday #foodsecurity