Hey all! I'm AJ (they/them), a scifi/fantasy fan, reader, and writer. Also love anime.
I'm in a billion fandoms and picking up more all the time. My list of books to read and tv shows to watch keep growing, but I also keep adding to the piles. I have no one to blame but myself 😅
Some hashtags to find me/get to know me by:
#StarWars #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekTOS #LowerDecks #StarTrekVOY #Picard #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #AllStarTrek #Babylon5 #StarTrekProdigy #OFMD #OurFlagMeansDeath #EEAAO #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #MotherlandFortSalem #WWDITS #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheSandman #DoctorWho #RedDwarf
#Anime #Pantheon #TwinPeaks #ADHD #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #XFiles #Buffy #Paranormal #writing #WritingCommunity #MagicalRealism #isekai #neurodivergent #queer #QueerScifi #trans #transgender #nonbinary #nerd #geek #QueerBooks
#starwars #startrek #startrekdiscovery #startrekvoyager #startrektos #lowerdecks #startrekvoy #picard #startrektng #startrekds9 #DS9 #allstartrek #babylon5 #StarTrekProdigy #ofmd #ourflagmeansdeath #eeaao #everythingeverywhereallatonce #motherlandfortsalem #wwdits #whatwedointheshadows #thesandman #doctorwho #reddwarf #anime #pantheon #twinpeaks #adhd #sciencefiction #fantasy #xfiles #buffy #paranormal #writing #writingcommunity #magicalrealism #isekai #neurodivergent #queer #queerscifi #trans #transgender #nonbinary #nerd #geek #queerbooks
Ich habe mich am Wochenende an #TheLastofUsHBO rangetraut und habe inzwischen auch DIE Folge gesehen, über die alle gerade reden. In meinem wöchentlichen Blogbeitrag habe ich was dazu geschrieben - ohne Spoiler. Außerdem habe ich über die letzte Staffel von #MotherlandFortSalem geschrieben und über das Behind-The-Scenes-Special von #Willow. https://www.seriennotizen.de/2023/01/kolumne-tlou-motherland/
#thelastofushbo #motherlandfortsalem #willow
Die finale Staffel #MotherlandFortSalem hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Auch wenn ich der Meinung bin das noch extrem viel Potential für weitere Staffeln in der Geschichte steckte hat man ein rundes und emotionales Ende für die Serie und die Hexen gefunden.
Ich habe grade entdeckt das #DisneyPlus still und heimlich die finale dritte Staffel von #MotherlandFortSalem hochgeladen hat 😱
Dann ziehe ich doch heute mit den Hexen noch einmal in den Krieg 👏🏻
#disneyplus #motherlandfortsalem
Fortsetter min Twitter-hobby her, bare i trådformat: Morsomme og rare #oversettelser i #film og #serie. Jeg kommer ikke til å hente frem gamle jeg har møtt på (så det trenger ikke du heller gjøre her). Let's go! #Norsktut
#MotherlandFortSalem S2E5
"Samhain begins!"
"Da er vi i gang!"
(OK, denne kan jeg forstå litt, for Samhain uttales sow-in, og kan høres ut som "so we", men da skulle det vært begin og ikke begins.)
#oversettelser #film #serie #Norsktut #motherlandfortsalem
Ser på #MotherlandFortSalem og der er det en organisasjon som heter NOD (Not Our Daughters). Kom til å tenke på en annen fiktiv organisasjon som ble kalt nod Nod. Husker du den?
#motherlandfortsalem #Norsktut #gaming #90s
It's weird watching two shows in parallel where fungi infect humans.
#thelastofus #thelastofushbo #motherlandfortsalem
Just realized I haven't shared links to any of my new #YVRScreenScenePodcast episodes so far this year. Here's a link to my season opener, in which #AmandaTapping and I go to Paris, sit in a cafe, and talk about friendship and #MotherlandFortSalem and #RichardDeanAnderson. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, everywhere podcasts are enjoyed for free, or at www.YVRScreenScene.com. It's a fun one. Enjoy! #StargateSG1 https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/episode-252-amanda-and-sabrina-go-to-paris/id1457938433?i=1000592358753
#stargatesg1 #richarddeananderson #motherlandfortsalem #amandatapping #yvrscreenscenepodcast
Our podcast is finally back. Check out @DJaedyxe and I fumbling around trying to remember how to do this thing 😂- we missed y'all! Hit us up with questions and comments
RT @FSWitchingHour
We are finally back! Sorry for the long hiatus, but here's our breakdown of S3 E06 of #MotherlandFortSalem. Let us know what you think, send us questions, etc etc.
It feels so good to be back. Can’t wait to get the new episode in your hands, #switches. #MotherlandFortSalem
RT @FSWitchingHour
Sooooo… guess who just got done recording the #MotherlandFortSalem s3e6 podcast? #stillHere
#switches #motherlandfortsalem #stillhere
RT @FSWitchingHour
Sooooo… guess who just got done recording the #MotherlandFortSalem s3e6 podcast? #stillHere
#motherlandfortsalem #stillhere
RT @DJaedyxe
Not gonna lie, I had totally woken up from a nap when we started recording but SO AWESOME to plot and pick apart things with @Mad_typist again!
#MotherlandFortSalem https://twitter.com/fswitchinghour/status/1598899739109789696
This year I richly enjoyed #Galavant and #MotherlandFortSalem and I hope in 2023 I discover more shows like them. Galavant: Big musical song-and-dance humor, jokes that poke at the fourth wall and the idiosyncrasies of the media factories. M:FS: weird fun worldbuilding, engaging suspense, zillions of women characters, and at least 1 nonbinary character, lots of chromatic characters, with super different personalities. Both: the sense that the showmakers are glad I am enjoying the show!
#galavant #motherlandfortsalem
Mi post de presentación:
➡️Manga, Manhwa y Anime, #yuri y #GL en especial
➡️Webcomics y Novelas gráficas
➡️Última saga literaria leyendo: Gideon la novena #TheLockedTomb
➡️Cultura Asiática ⛩️
➡️Juego en #Xbox 💚 #NintendoSwitch ❤️
Paso de guerra de consolas. Me gusta disfrutar jugando.
Últimos juegos que me han obsesionado:
#MassEffect saga favorita
- Si hay ship safico 🏳️🌈 en alguna serie posible la este viendo. Ultimas:
- Friki treintañera. De Madrid 🌍
#yuri #gl #thelockedtomb #xbox #nintendoswitch #cyberpunk2077 #assassinscreedvalhalla #nierautomata #masseffect #warriornun #estacion19 #theowlhouse #motherlandfortsalem #forallmankind
Hey any #Switches from the #MotherlandFortSalem fandom here?
#switches #motherlandfortsalem
Ni idea de cuando paso, en serio le perdí el hilo a la serie. Pero ya se encuentra disponible en Star+ la tercera temporada de #Motherlandfortsalem y obviamente la terminaré de ver
I'm following a fic and waiting for it to be finished before reading it, but with just these two tags: not Army positive and not unit unity, it's giving me more than #MotherlandFortSalem in its last two seasons. Oh, and it doesn't include Abigail, so it's perfect. 🥲
LMAO with the comments on this fic #BrokeOpenRaylla I'm not even reading the fic, but the comments are giving me life. Also, no one loves Trashley don't pretend ffs. 🌚😂😂 #MotherlandFortSalem #Raylla
#brokeopenraylla #motherlandfortsalem #Raylla
😂😂😂 gonna quote someone here and say "hope they just throw the scourges out on the street and let anyone take them", cuz what a fuckin 🤡🤡🤡 #MotherlandFortSalem
This is a no brainer for me, obviously Abigail. 😌 #MotherlandFortSalem
RT @fab_fan10@twitter.com
In #MotherlandFortSalem if one of the Core 4 had to die (series/season finale and all) and it stuck (we know how death on this show can be) instead of Anacostia dying, who takes the hit?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fab_fan10/status/1579885635506122752