I just finished reading from .

Was it good? Not really.

Did I enjoy reading it? Absolutely!

Would I read it again? Nah.

Does it fit into the category? Hell yes!

This book is descriptively gross. It was a fun read, but the story is not great. What it lacks in story, it makes up in grossness though!

#scaryShit #horrorlit #horrornovels #HorrorBooks #horror #extremehorror #simonhardy #mothermaggot

Last updated 2 years ago

I just picked up ’s version for $2. I’m already in the middle of and . It’s not exactly what I’d planned on reading next, but it’s too good of a deal to pass up and I’m almost done with anyway, so why not?

#currentlyreading #horrornovels #HorrorBooks #horror #Reading #mothermaggot #anericanpsycho #amazonkindle #aheadfullofghosts #paultremblay

Last updated 2 years ago