Original toot date: 14 May, 2023
Following on from yesterdays post; Today is a difficult day for many. A day of sorrow and mourning. Those who's deep desire to have a child has not come to fruition. Those who heartbreakingly lost a child or miscarried. Those who's mothers are no longer with them. Those who do not have the relationship with their child or mother that they desperately yearn for.
Yes, today is hard for many and all I ask is that you consider your need to share your happy Mothers Day memories on social media. You can enjoy today with your mother and children without posting it all over social media.
Your post will not make your relationship better or stronger, but it may be the thing that pushes someone who is not coping over the edge.
Please be considerate and refrain from posting your private and personally memories, or at the very least, change your post privacy settings and share it with only those you know want to or would enjoy seeing it.
To everyone who is struggling today; I see you, I care and I am here for you if you need someone to chat to 💗
#MothersDay #Mothersday2023 #mothersdayishard #allmothersday
#mothersday #mothersday2023 #mothersdayishard #allmothersday