@chris thank you muchly and kindly our man on the YouTubez.
Your patronage is most welcome and as recompense yours truly here will make a point to pick you up in the #mothershipMotherfucker if your mortal husk has elapsed its usage expect a revenant replacement to be erected in your stead. #TYFYC
#mothershipMotherfucker #tyfyc
@HLC its a #extendedKoKuniverse #mothershipMotherfucker simulator!
#extendedKoKuniverse #mothershipMotherfucker
@HLC @noagendashowvideo yeah, I feel crestfallen I never sought out the chief science officer of the #mothershipMotherfucker , maybe #captainKoK over here needs a sabbatical
#mothershipMotherfucker #captainKoK