I think (with help from iNaturalist) that this is a Knot Grass Moth caterpillar.
I was happy to see it eating the lady’s mantle, as it’s the first time I’ve really noticed *anything* eating lady’s mantle and always thought it was a bit ecologically useless.
Might be it is great for lots of things, and I’ve never noticed…
#caterpillar #ladysMantle #Mothstodon #MothOfTheDay #WhoEatsWhat
#whoeatswhat #mothoftheday #mothstodon #LadysMantle #caterpillar
A Burnett moth is today’s #MothOfTheDay. I’m still trying to figure out identifications, is that faint spot at the tips of the wings a 6th spot?
Spotted beside a golf course in St Andrews managed to contain lots of good pieces of habitat.
#Moth #mothstodon #HabitatMatters
#habitatmatters #mothstodon #moth #mothoftheday
Puss moth caterpillars in a friend’s garden. Much excitement & concern about whether the small willow tree will be able to support all four of them (I think so). A new caterpillar for me #Fife #Scotland #caterpillars #moths #MothOfTheDay
#mothoftheday #moths #caterpillars #scotland #fife
Today’s #MothOfTheDay is a Yellow Shell Moth (thanks, iNaturalist)
Found hiding in the Blackthorn at the Guardbridge Community garden.
I’m going to keep going with the moth of the day hashtag, but so far it mostly works well as a way to find my own moth posts.
#Moth #Mothstodon
#mothstodon #moth #mothoftheday
A veneer moth for today’s #MothOfTheDay - these seem to flit around the garden a lot, but are tricky about posing for a photo. This one was obviously confident in the clover acting as a disguise and remained in position while I fumbled for my phone & attempted to focus on the moth, rather than the grass behind (usually my signature style) nice to see the delicate markings on the wing tips and that fuzzy snout (?)
#Moth #clover #mothstodon
#mothstodon #clover #moth #mothoftheday
Today’s #MothOfTheDay is an Orange-spot piercer. Quite small, came to visit while I was moving plant pots about.
#Moth #Scotland #mothstodon
#mothstodon #scotland #moth #mothoftheday
One of the Silver Y’s finally stopped long enough for a photo. They just seem to constantly vibrate their wings, even when taking nectar.
There have been lots in the garden lately enjoying the sage flowers and the lavender now it is open.
#MothOfTheDay #Mothstodon #Moths #InMyGarden
#inmygarden #moths #mothstodon #mothoftheday
This was my #MothOfTheDay on Tuesday, white plume moth. Could be easily mistaken for a feather fluttering in the breeze.
#Mothstodon #moth
#moth #mothstodon #mothoftheday
I don’t see moths *every* day, but I do seem to see them often. At the moment, the garden is full of Silver y’s at twilight. They are very fluttery.
Today it was a Shaded Broad Bar, but I had trouble taking a decent photo.
Yesterday it was a yellow underwing, which was a bit sleepy and gave me time to focus before it flew away.
I love the names of moths, very creative!
#moths #mothstodon #MothOfTheDay
#mothoftheday #mothstodon #moths
Emperor moths have large eyespots on their hind wings that they flash when disturbed. This often startles and scares away potential predators.
#moth #mothOfTheDay #motd