I hope you’ve all enjoyed my #mothsonmyfinger posts. This is a lovely space but from a mental health perspective, I just can’t do social media, I can’t regulate my interaction with it at all, so I’m going to delete this account later. Thanks to all of you who’ve engaged with me. My website www.joeharkness.co.uk has a contact form if anyone wants to message me about anything.
Today’s moth on my finger is the Pine Hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri). These arrow-shaped moths favour coniferous woodland as their caterpillars feed on pine needles. They also camouflage incredibly well on the trunks of conifer trees.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Green-brindled Crescent (Allophyes oxyacanthae). I’ve just seen this described as ‘dull brown’ which as you can see from this picture, is completely wrong. In-fact, this shot doesn’t even show you their metallic sheen. A stunning little autumn-flying moth.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #teammoth #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
#moths #TeamMoth #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #mothsonmyfinger
Today’s moth on my finger, and the first of 2023, is the Jersey Tiger (Euplagia quadripunctaria). An absolute belter of a moth, localised to the south of England, I found this one on a woodland trail on the Isle of Wight, during a family break in 2021.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
The final moth on my finger of 2022 is another photo of a Lunar Hornet Clearwing Moth. This is the first time I saw one at my mates’ house and my mind was utterly blown! Here it is mimicking its stinging action on my finger. I think I have enough pics to see me through January at least… unless you’re happy for same moths, different angles?
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #wildlife #wildlifephotography #teammoth #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #wildlife #wildlifephotography #TeamMoth #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
Todays moth on my finger is one I’ve shared before, the Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli). As I scroll through my moth pics, this little face just keeps telling me to post it and I can’t resist the cuteness! #mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Todays moth on my finger is one I’ve shared before, the Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli). As I scroll through my moth pics, this little face just keeps telling me to post it and I can’t resist the cuteness!
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is a lovely nail job, courtesy of the Sallow Kitten (Furcula furcula). There’s a close-up of a single moth on my finger a previous post, but here are four on my fingers, back in July.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #nailart #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #nailart #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Dusky Sallow (Eremobia ochroleuca). These delectably biscuit-coloured moths are generally localised to south and east England, preferring chalky and dry habitats.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Small Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila porcellus). Smaller, brighter and more localised than its larger cousin, I trap a handful of these stunners in the garden each year; rather than a handful in a day of their siblings!
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger (and the last for a few days) is the Powdered Quaker (Orthosia gracilis). A lovely pale moth which flies on spring, but today it’s providing a white Christmas for you all!
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth #whitechristmas
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth #whitechristmas
Today’s moth on my finger is the Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis). A wonderfully camouflaged, widespread and common moth, easily confused with a number of other species; Knot Grass is separated by the curved white marks that sit on the rear edge of the wings when open (central on this picture when closed). #mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis). A wonderfully camouflaged, widespread and common moth, easily confused with a number of other species; Knot Grass is separated by the curved white marks that sit on the rear edge of the wings when open (central on this picture when closed). #mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis). A wonderfully camouflaged, widespread and common moth, easily confused with a number of other species; Knot Grass is separated by the curved white marks that sit on the rear edge of the wings when open (central on this picture when closed).
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
2022 was my 2nd full year of moth trapping at home, but trap about a 1/3 of the time of other people I know. This year I had 404 species in the garden (382 last year and was aiming for 400) and over 2 years I’ve had 501 species.
Personal highlights in 2022, clockwise from top left: Lunar Hornet Clearwing, Ruddy Carpet, Alder Signal, Bordered Straw, Convolvulus Hawkmoth, Gypsonoma minutana, Epinotia nanana, Sloe Pug and Red-tipped Clearwing.
#TeamMoth #moths #mothsonmyfinger #lepidoptera
2022 was my 2nd full year of moth trapping at home, but trap about a 1/3 of the time of other people I know. This year I had 404 species in the garden (382 last year and was aiming for 400) and over 2 years I’ve had 501 species.
Personal highlights in 2022, clockwise from top left: Lunar Hornet Clearwing, Ruddy Carpet, Alder Signal, Bordered Straw, Convolvulus Hawkmoth, Gypsonoma minutana, Epinotia nanana, Sloe Pug and Red-tipped Clearwing.
#TeamMoth #moths #mothsonmyfinger #lepidoptera
Today’s moth on my finger is the Beautiful Yellow Underwing (Anarta myrtilli). A heathland specialist, my mate was buzzing when he had one in his trap a few years ago, and so was I when I saw it. A gorgeous moth that’s cryptically coloured with russet, black and white markings; totally living up to its name.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa). With bold angular markings and a lovely pink blush over them, these common moths are always a joy to find in the moth trap. That said, I didn’t have one at all this year, I rather annoyingly!
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #teammoth
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography #TeamMoth
Today’s moth on my finger is the Black Rustic (Aporophyla nigra). Flying in September and October, I always view their arrival in the moth trap as a signal that autumn is incoming. Their velvety black colourations may appear drab, but they’re actually deep and lustrous, as this image shows.
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
Today’s moth on my finger is the Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius). Another member of the prominents, who are all characterised by the raised tufts along their backs. I love the rusty ferrous blotches on their wings! #mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography
#mothsonmyfinger #moths #lepidoptera #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #natureconnection #naturephotography