Un #FF #FollowFriday avec quelques jolies trouvailles artistiques de ces derniers jours :
@St_B #poterie #céramique
@scarpyro #woodcarving #mignonitude
@BenteliciousArt #illustration (en allemand mais pas besoin de comprendre pour admirer !)
@Libon_ #illustration
@Silver #illustration également
@finncapashen #MTG #MagicTheGathering #pixelart
@ateliermoeli #motifs #linogravure
@agou #cartes effet #3D
Bon weekend et bon échappatoire artistique à vous 💫
(je vais en avoir besoin)
#ff #followfriday #poterie #ceramique #woodcarving #mignonitude #illustration #mtg #magicthegathering #PixelArt #motifs #linogravure #cartes #3d #MastoArt
serious question. When one runs motif enrichment analysis, I think it is generaly desirable to know which specific peaks were found to have a motif. Why does a tool like HOMER's FindMotifsGenome.pl not report every instance of where each motif was found, and one must run a whole different tool for that task? Is this a feature more people would wish for?
#genomics #bioinformatics #atacseq #chromatin #motifs #computational #compbiology
#genomics #bioinformatics #atacseq #chromatin #motifs #computational #compbiology
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Fluorescent
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #motifs
Two 🐩 🐩 #silhouettes and two #staffy #motifs #precut #fabric, ready for more #cushion making #sewing projects #photooftheday #365 #258 #dog #pooch themed makes. For sale #madetoorder
#silhouettes #Staffy #motifs #precut #Fabric #cushion #sewing #photooftheday #dog #pooch #madetoorder
Bon. Again on joue à vider #HaroldLeFour.
J'ai testé une idée sur certains soliflores en integrant un motif. J'aime bien mais je ne suis pas sure de garder l'idée. Vos avis ?
#soliflore #motifs #ceramique
#haroldlefour #soliflore #motifs #ceramique
For this a.m.
#hardbop #HankMobley #horms #music #BoxingDay #BlueNote 💮 🎷 🤸 #motifs #improvisation
#hardbop #hankmobley #horms #music #boxingday #bluenote #motifs #improvisation
Ribbons of abstract trees in purple tones, a setting (2022) (c) R. Frede Kenter. #photo #photoart #holiday #hanukkah #forest #purple #hybridities #visualpoetry #visualart #christmas #geometrics #eco #ecopoetry #ecoart #anthropocene #landscape #motion #motifs #patterns #digital #series
#photo #photoart #holiday #hanukkah #forest #purple #hybridities #VisualPoetry #visualart #christmas #geometrics #eco #ecopoetry #ecoart #anthropocene #landscape #motion #motifs #patterns #digital #series
Response to #FolkTalemotif H383.4.1
Husband test:
home late -
Tavern distractions
~ wife ail brewing.
#MicroPoetry #OpenSenryu #Senryu #OpenHaiku #Haiku #Poetry #Poem #FolkTales #Motifs
#senryu #opensenryu #motifs #folktales #poem #poetry #haiku #openhaiku #micropoetry #folktalemotif
On refait les peintures dans le hall de l'atelier collectif. J'ai donc tout naturellement tamponner le mur avec un de mes motifs gravé
#patterndesign #PatternDesigner #azulejos #linocuts #gravure #motifs
#patterndesign #PatternDesigner #azulejos #linocuts #gravure #motifs
A version of a visual poetry collage -- part of a series in development #birds
Pattern 12 (2022) (c)R.F.Kenter
#collage #photobased #visualpoetry #pattern #sky #vispo #series #red #black #dance #visualart #motifs #digital
#birds #collage #photobased #VisualPoetry #pattern #sky #vispo #series #red #black #dance #visualart #motifs #digital
Cover of my 2021 hybrid visual poem collection, EDEN. & links to 2 review/reflection pieces. 1 by NYC-based filmmaker-poet Lynne Sachs; the 2nd by the late wondrous San Francisco based writer/musician Kari Flickinger. Eden is available at Rare Swan Press bookshop (Switzerland. Link in bio), as well as a few copies privately (contact me for info). Ty.
#books #hybrid #collage #image #collection #bricolage #motifs #poets #series #visualpoetry
1. https://rareswanpress.com/2022/06/24/lynne-sachs-reads-eden-by-robert-frede-kenter/
#Books #hybrid #collage #image #COLLECTION #bricolage #motifs #poets #series #VisualPoetry
On commence par de la #broderie vous avez toujours rêvé d'apprendre à tenir une #aiguille pour faire de beaux #motifs et des #pointsdebroderie variés ?
Allez chez Hémiole, du kit débutant au kit gourmand, il y en aura pour tout le monde. Notice détaillée, prix raisonnable, que demander de plus ?
#broderie #aiguille #motifs #pointsdebroderie
Just want to shout out that you shouldn't sleep on #motifs, the latest shoegaze/dreampop band from Singapore. They just dropped their album. Echoes of Slowdive and Cocteau Twins, phenomenal stuff.
Just want to shout out that you shouldn't sleep on #motifs, the latest shoegaze/dreampop band from Singapore. They just dropped their album. Echoes of Slowdive and Cocteau Twins, phenomenal stuff.
Just want to shout out that you shouldn't sleep on #motifs, the latest shoegaze/dreampop band from Singapore. They just dropped their album. Echoes of Slowdive and Cocteau Twins, phenomenal stuff.
Just want to shout out that you shouldn't sleep on #motifs, the latest shoegaze/dreampop band from Singapore. They just dropped their album. Echoes of Slowdive and Cocteau Twins, phenomenal stuff.
@freaks hello, j'ai des #linogravures, #posters et #kakemono de #motifs dispo sur ma boutique 😊
#linogravures #posters #kakemono #motifs
[ 🔁 ]
@lhumanite@newsbots.eu 🔗 https://newsbots.eu/users/lhumanite/statuses/107831140241382182
**Quand l’employeur tire sur l’ambulance…**
"Il est malheureusement courant de voir des #salariés accumuler une #charge de #travail considérable pour ensuite être licenciés au prétexte de #motifs fallacieux, une fois leur état de #santé fragilisé. C’est une #affaire de cette nature que le conseil de prud’hommes de Bobigny …"
#bot #actualité #affaire #santé #motifs #travail #charge #salariés
medical femdom logos
#CIXIDORU #line_art #pencil #mode #logo #design #motifs #stethoscope #wings #thermometer #female #feminism #holy_light #femdom #medfet #medical #fetish #decorative
#decorative #female #feminism #holy_light #design #motifs #medical #stethoscope #logo #line_art #pencil #mode #wings #thermometer #cixidoru #femdom #medfet #fetish