Hey there, everyone! Time for a fresh #introduction! I'm Todor, a #Bulgarian #animator and #motiondesigner. My artistic journey kicked off way back in kindergarten, and I've been doodling away since. My craft took a turn in 2009, when I created my very first animation in 3D. 1/4
#introduction #bulgarian #animator #motiondesigner
Buon we!
#3D #motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #astronaut
#3d #motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #Astronaut
If you are a #graphicdesigner, #illustrator, #motiondesigner, or #visualartist of any kind, you might enjoy this free Zoom event by KnownUnknown.
Four guest speakers will talk about their work in #design, #illustration, and #typography:
- Xee Summer
- Mat Voyce
- Julie Solvstrom
- Huston Wilson
The call/event starts in about 24 hours.
Link to registration: https://lu.ma/0cytbeyf
#graphicdesigner #illustrator #motiondesigner #visualartist #design #illustration #typography
Dear #motionDesigner for the @PanicAtTheDisco #VivaLasVengeance tour. I want to know you and I want to be you 🤩🥳
#vivalasvengeance #motiondesigner
Un po' di prove statiche del mio modello riggato con il plugin IKMAX per Cinema 4D, facendo questi test sono venuti fuori alcuni limiti, ma considerato il tempo risparmiato rispetto a riggare manualmente tutto il modello, non mi posso proprio lamentare!
#motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #characterdesign #characteranimation #cinema4d #c4d
#motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #characterdesign #characteranimation #cinema4d #c4d
Primissimo test di animazione del mio logo/avatar convertito in #3D
#motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #characterdesign #characteranimation #cinema4d #c4d
#3d #motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #characterdesign #characteranimation #cinema4d #c4d
Introducing Volume n' Tricks for 2D to 2.5D design. Create stunning isometric volumes and rotation without 3D layers or cameras.
Learn more: https://aescripts.com/volume-n-tricks/
#aftereffects #motion #motiondesigner #design #compositing #specialeffects #isometricart #isometric #ae #videoproduction #mograph #motionartist #videoediting #graphicdesign #adobeaftereffects #motiondesign #animation #motiongraphics
Questa è una cosa un po' da addetti ai lavori, ma #Behance, la piattaforma di portfolios di Adobe, ha selezionato il progetto del mio trailer per #eSerieATIM / #FIFA23 per la loro gallery dei migliori progetti di #MOTION.
Di tutte le cose che ho fatto, è la prima volta che i loro curatori mi segnalano, ed è uno di quegli attestati che danno una certa soddisfazione :)
#behance #eSerieATIM #fifa23 #motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #esports #gaming
Nonostante il corso fatto, riggare a mano un character è un incubo, quindi ora sto facendo pratica con #IKMAX, un plugin dedicato per #Cinema4D, mentre "converto" il mio avatar da freelancer, da 2D a 3D.
Manca ancora il rig del volto e i materiali sono provvisori, ma per ora sono gasato :)
#ikmax #cinema4d #motiondesign #motiondesigner #3dart #characterdesign
Happy New Year! ✨
2022 started out bad... like really bad. It was full of losses but I stayed determined to be better and put all my efforts into learning and improving my skills. Here's a look into what I've been working on in the past year.
My 2022 Motion Reel.
Check out more of my work at leeannedutkiewicz.com
#2022reel #motiondesign #graphicdesign #blender #aftereffects #art #artist #graphicdesigner #motiondesigner #motiongraphics #3ddesign
#2022reel #motiondesign #graphicdesign #blender #aftereffects #art #artist #graphicdesigner #motiondesigner #motiongraphics #3ddesign
If you’re a #motionDesigner who frequently transfers assets from #Illustrator to #AfterEffects then I highly recommend you get yourself the #Overlord #plugin from @battleaxedotco. I haven’t had access to it at my new job for the first year and it was #painful 🤕
#painful #plugin #overlord #aftereffects #illustrator #motiondesigner
#followfriday I'm an animator, motion designer and story artist specializing in 2D and mixed media 3D/stopmo. Here are some recent stills from an archive animation I made for a local art gallery 40th anniversary party (NeutralGround ARC in southern Saskatchewan). If you engage with my work I'll check out your stuff too!! 🥰 :_gaysparkle: #animator #motiondesigner #designer #storyartist #2D #3D #stopmo #saskatchewan #treaty4 #canada
#followfriday #animator #motiondesigner #designer #storyartist #2d #3d #stopmo #saskatchewan #treaty4 #canada
Hey, you!
Are you a #motiondesigner? Do you use #AfterEffects? Do you like free #psychedelic experiences?
Then "Flaoa Bomb" is for you!💣🌸💮
Get it here, my friend: https://fberria.gumroad.com/l/flaoa
#psychedelic #aftereffects #motiondesigner
My #Introduction. French #director, #graphicdesigner & #motiondesigner based in Paris. Worked for clients like Universal Music, Fox Cable Networks, El Rey Networks and had the pleasure to create an animated opening title sequence for the FX horror series 'The Strain' created by #GuillermoDelToro and #CarltonCuse. Spend my spare time reading #scripts from the #Blacklist & studying story structure and characters. If you’re a #screewriter reading this, feel free to connect and say hello.
#introduction #director #graphicdesigner #motiondesigner #guillermodeltoro #carltoncuse #scripts #blacklist #screewriter
Hi all, I'm Sonja.
I'm a #motionDesigner and I like sharing #AfterEffects tips on #LiveStreams
I specialise in 2D #vector #illustration & #animation
Sorry for all the tags, just trying to use this platform as efficiently as possible 😅
#animation #illustration #vector #livestreams #aftereffects #motiondesigner
Continua faticosamente il corso di 3D...
Tessuti aggiunti in #Cinema4D da #marvelousdesigner...
#motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #motiongraphics #3D
#cinema4d #marvelousdesigner #motion #motiondesign #motiondesigner #motiongraphics #3d
2/2 Un parto, nel senso che a una certa, causa forza maggiore, ho proprio dovuto mollare il progetto a un altro motion designer per gli ultimi rework. Ad ogni modo potete vedere tutti i video che lo riguardano qui https://www.behance.net/gallery/117650357/Rinascente-Keep-it-Beautiful-Dirs-Cut
#motion #motiondesigner #aftereffects #behance
È durissima riuscire a finire un corso online di 3D quando devi anche lavorare, e non assorbo più le cose come una volta, ma mollare mai!
#cinema4d #motiondesign #motiondesigner #3D
#cinema4d #motiondesign #motiondesigner #3d