Ugh need to switch to the open source framework for eye tracking, can't get HTC's proprietary old one to run for whatever reason. Works on one PC, does not on another. At least it stopped crashing Unity. Instead, now Motive is crashing whenever I try to start recording and because our license is for an old version, support probably won't talk to me. Sigh #MoCap #Unity #VR #MotionTracking #EyeTracking
#mocap #unity #vr #motiontracking #eyetracking
My latest podcast episode: Creative director David Clarkson talks about Shipwreck Odyssey at Australian National Maritime Museum. This multiscreen, multidisciplinary presentation features motion-tracking technology, hyper-resolution animation, surround sound and live action.
Take a listen:
#museum #arts #unrealengine #maritime #motiontracking #boxofbirds
(Image: Cassandra Hannagan)
#museum #arts #unrealengine #maritime #motiontracking #boxofbirds
Videotechnik: Wie Avatar 2 die Aufnahmetechnik fürs Kino revolutioniert
Dieser Tage erscheint "Avatar: The Way of Water": James Cameron setzt bei Avatar 2 auf TrueCut Motion, das flüssige Bewegungen und Kinofeeling bringen soll.
#Elektronik&Unterhaltungsindustrie #Filmindustrie #HighFrameRate #JamesCameron #Kinotechnik #MotionTracking #TrueCutMotion #TrueMotion #Video #Videotechnik
#elektronik #filmindustrie #highframerate #jamescameron #kinotechnik #motiontracking #truecutmotion #TrueMotion #video #Videotechnik
Folks. We get milk delivered but have an occasional oppotunist milk thief. I have off the shelf camer and a raspberry pi (3?) running motioneyeos with an IR camera. However neither work well at night. The IR camera is blinded by its IR lights reflecting off the glass. The other camera doesn't detect motion at night. I'm going to try with a better pi camera & pi 4, but has anyone any suggestions?
#raspberrypi #cctvcameras #motiontracking
#raspberrypi #cctvcameras #motiontracking
Augmented Reality Workbench Helps You to Debug Your Boards #augmentedreality #motiontracking #RepairHacks #TechHacks #ToolHacks #debugging #labbench
#augmentedreality #motiontracking #RepairHacks #TechHacks #ToolHacks #debugging #labbench
Augmented Reality Workbench Helps You to Debug Your Boards
#augmentedreality #motiontracking #RepairHacks #TechHacks #ToolHacks #debugging #labbench
#augmentedreality #motiontracking #RepairHacks #TechHacks #ToolHacks #debugging #labbench