Committed by a boy
Eleven and unnamed, for a headset
Motive unclear, justice to plead
#murder #motive #justice #vr #trial #cinquain #poetry
#murder #motive #justice #vr #trial #cinquain #poetry
@mattblaze Trump also lacks the motivation for selling secrets to the Russians.
He's driven by ego, the need to be famous, the need to be admired, the need to be seen as important, the need to be the center of attention - all things satisfied by keeping secret documents he can show off to fluff his ego.
He doesn't need money. He's rich, and if he wants more of that, tax and accounting fraud is easier to get away with, and is probably more lucrative to boot.
Ich freue mich eine Kooperation mit Ringfoto Löffler Freiburg ankündigen zu können!
Viele meiner Motive könnt ihr dort in der Miro Lange Art Galerie direkt auswählen und gegen einen kleinen Aufpreis auf ein Medium eurer Wahl drucken lassen.
Schaut doch mal rein!
#fotografie #sale #verkauf #motive #druck #print #photography #nature #freiburg #mirolangeart #mirolange #ringfotolöffler #city #regional #fineart
#fotografie #sale #Verkauf #motive #druck #print #photography #Nature #freiburg #mirolangeart #mirolange #ringfotoloffler #city #Regional #fineart
#STARTREK #Logical #Thinking #27 - Appeal to #Motive (#VestedInterest)
#Trek #LogicalThinking #Philosophy #Spock #Enterprise #TAS #StarTrekTAS #TheAnimatedSeries #MirrorUniverse
#mirroruniverse #TheAnimatedSeries #StarTrekTAS #tas #enterprise #spock #philosophy #logicalthinking #trek #vestedinterest #motive #thinking #logical #startrek
The problem with #journalism isn't #bias. It's #motive. Biased journalism can be instructive and useful, and, more to the point, it's unavoidable. Yes, it's possible to recite facts, but the facts may not be *all* the relevant facts, and facts devoid of context are often hugely misleading.
~ Sonic Shakedown 47 ~
... Leeds Special ...
enjoy! :blobcatfearful:
#sonicshakedown47 #sonicshakedown #pestcontrol #vomitorium #mortuaryspawn #onasnop #motive #theshits #frisk #amonacid #selfimmolationmusic #forming #outerhead #deathtrippers #autobahn #codedmarking #hamer #mixcloud #leedsspecial #nowplaying #playitloud #playlist #punk #psychedelic #darkwave #electronica #indie #upthepsych
#sonicshakedown47 #sonicshakedown #pestcontrol #Vomitorium #mortuaryspawn #onasnop #motive #theshits #frisk #amonacid #selfimmolationmusic #forming #outerhead #deathtrippers #Autobahn #codedmarking #Hamer #mixcloud #leedsspecial #nowplaying #playitloud #playlist #punk #psychedelic #darkwave #electronica #indie #upthepsych
Shooter's motive unknown
Six lives lost, anguish still strong
Questions linger on
#nashville #shooting #motive #questions #haiku #poetry
A friend of #Teixeira described motives…as wanting to share — & #ShowOff (sounds like #TFG #motive, or 1 anyway) — the #secrets he knew to a small circle of online friends….
#JackTeixeira served in a jr position,but had access to a #DefenseDepartment #InternalComputerNetwork for #TopSecret info, called #JointWorldwideIntelligenceCommunicationsSystem….That #access …allowed him the ability to read & potentially to print docs #classified at the same level as many of the #leaked files.
#teixeira #showoff #tfg #motive #secrets #jackteixeira #defensedepartment #internalcomputernetwork #topsecret #jointworldwideintelligencecommunicationssystem #access #classified #leaked #doj #maang
The #FermiParadox goes like this:
1. Among billions of #stars intelligent life capable of interstellar travel should have evolved, given the human rate of evolution, but,
2. There is no evidence of this fact. Why?
Some, speculate that it is the #nature of intelligent life to #destroy itself.
For example, based on #anthropologic studies, Adam Frank posited that climate change induced by "#energy intensive" civilizations may prevent #sustainability within such #civilizations, thus explaining the #paradoxical lack of #evidence for #intelligent #extraterrestrial #life.
In a word, #ClimateChange.
I'll add, the #population required to support sufficiently #advanced #technologies are such that they effectively create a state of #techno #anarchy, #ungovernable to any common #purpose but selfish #innovation and #profit #motive.
This, is #state #humankind currently finds itself. An #experiment, that will end with a whimper in #ironic confirmation of the #Fermi #paradox.
#fermiparadox #stars #nature #destroy #anthropologic #energy #sustainability #Civilizations #paradoxical #evidence #intelligent #extraterrestrial #life #ClimateChange #population #Advanced #technologies #techno #anarchy #ungovernable #purpose #innovation #profit #motive #state #humankind #experiment #ironic #Fermi #paradox #Fun #news #children
Motivation is a combination of motive and action #shorts #motivation #motive #action #life #walking #productivity
#productivity #walking #life #action #motive #motivation #shorts
"If you #believe that #policing is a #legitimate #function of the #government but #welfare isn't, then you can quit #pretending that your #motive is #freedom, small government, or saving #money."
#believe #policing #legitimate #function #government #Welfare #pretending #motive #freedom #money
Der Dunkle Parabelritter über den #Wendler #Skandal und die #Motive von#RTL2 dahinter
@freikampf Grad wieder denk' ich, an diesem Ort schon mal gewesen zu sein.
Vielleicht ist es ja gerade auch "#künstlerischeAbsicht", daß es nicht beschrieben ist.
Wurscht. Was ich nur sagen will:
Sobald ich für mich irgendwanneinmal herausgefunden haben werde, was genau es ist, daß Ihre Fotos so oft so vertraut erscheinen wollen, also die Sicht auf die jeweilige Szene / #Motive, werde ich es Sie sicher wissen lassen.
Derzeit ring' ich selber noch um eine Erklärung.
Consider this.
Murdaugh said Maggie would always sign to encumber real estate. But he also says his family, including Maggie, NEVER knew he was stealing money from his firm or clients.
Maggie's sister mentioned Maggie had mentioned divorce at least once; time unspecified.
Alex was confronted by his firm the morning of the murders & all his lies would come out & it would be unlikely Maggie would continue to bail him out or DID threaten divorce.
That is known as #motive.
Her entry into the primary insures a Trump win. she splits the anti-Trump vote and could VP.
Nikki can play chess. #Motive
~ Flyer Friday ~
some great upcoming gigs in Leeds during February and March
#FlyerFriday #LeedsGigs #IndreKrig #MortuarySpawn #Motive #PestControl #Mastermind #StiffMeds #LawfulKilling #Imposter #Fate #MachiavellianArt #OnaSnop #Votiv #Nailbreaker #Fetlar #Distort #AnglerfishHC #UKHC #GigFlyer #EphemeralArt #GraphicDesign
#flyerfriday #leedsgigs #indrekrig #mortuaryspawn #motive #pestcontrol #Mastermind #stiffmeds #lawfulkilling #imposter #fate #machiavellianart #onasnop #votiv #nailbreaker #fetlar #distort #anglerfishhc #ukhc #gigflyer #ephemeralart #graphicdesign
“#money #destroys #human roots wherever it is able to penetrate, by turning #desire for #gain into the sole #motive. It easily manages to outweigh all other motives, because the effort it demands of the mind is so very much less. Nothing is so simple as a row of figures.”
— Simone Weil
#money #destroys #human #desire #gain #motive