Alexia Gaudeul :verified: · @agaudeul
392 followers · 372 posts · Server

The Meuse riverbanks would be a true paradise if it weren't for motorcycles and their irritating mosquito-like sounds.

Curiosity piqued: What's behind the unsociable behavior among bikers? Along with SUV drivers, we have a foolproof way to identify insufferable jerks.

Harley enthusiasts are the lowest rung of the ladder. I can't believe those are even legal.

#meuse #motorcycleculture

Last updated 1 year ago

Ken S · @ki_sekiya
58 followers · 139 posts · Server


ERIC Insurance notifying by posted mail, dated a month ago, that they are NOT renewing policies for the car/motorcycles. (I rarely check the mailbox, and they have my email address which they previously sent policy confirmations too.)
and that I have up to the first week of December before the current policy expires.

That I'll get an email from their arranged alternative insurer 'within a week' (from date of letter).
I have not received any form of mail from said alternative.

So now I have a business week or so to try sort something out, where insurances for Electric motorcycles is already quite limited.
*CricketsChirping *LeSigh

#motorcycleculture #ev

Last updated 2 years ago

Joecephus · @Joecephus
41 followers · 2148 posts · Server