join us tomorrow at 16.00 UK time for the next #MotorsInQuarantine session!
We will have Konstantinos Lampou (uni Hamburg) and Joseph Cirilo (Penn State) talking about BUB3.3 and Myo3A.
Tomorrow 23/11/2022 I will be speaking from @AthaleLab and @APieFrmScratch from @AndreaMusacchi1 lab for #motorsinquarantine from Uni Warwick. All info & link are here:
#MotorsInQuarantine this week will feature Chaitanya Anthale and Pim Huis in t' Veld from Andrea Musacchio's lab. Join us on Wednesday to see microtubules waving and find out how you can hold onto a dynamic microtubule end. All info & link are here:
About to publish a preprint on #kinesin #dynein #myosin or another cool molecular machine? Please offer to give a 15 minute talk to #MotorsInQuarantine on Wednesdays 16:00 UK time. Schedule, talk offer and sign-up form for email reminders are here:
#kinesin #dynein #myosin #motorsinquarantine