My Masterverse and Bayverse shelves need a bit of sorting out. 🙂
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#mastersoftheuniverse #masterverse #motu #heman #actionfigures #toys #transformers #studioseries #bayverse #moturevelation #neweternia
Masterverse Revelation Mer-Man (classic look)
This figure arrived today too. £24.99 and free delivery from The Whole Shebang. Love Rev Mer-Man (voiced by Batman icon Kevin Conroy) and his scarred pirate look was a cool figure and now here he is in his episode 1 look with his pre-timeskip armour and sword. Awesome. 🙂
#mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #actionfigures #toys #merman #moturevelation
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #actionfigures #toys #merman #moturevelation
Looking forward to #MastersoftheUniverse Revolution next year and finally see what happened to Skeletor after he was starting to be forcibly transformed by Motherboard in 2021's Revelation. It's been said that his technologically enhanced new form will be referred to as Skeletek. And we know Motherboard herself will be a voiced character this time.
#mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #actionfigures #toys #skeletor #heman #moturevelation
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #actionfigures #toys #skeletor #heman #moturevelation
OK I had another go at the cloak and used the cartoon's character model sheet as reference. This is a much tidier look, more accurate and frees up the space around his neck so he can move his head way easier. 🙂
(also added bit of silver on his belt and leg armour where the model sheet has them)
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #manatarms
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #manatarms
Happy lame pun day. 🙂
(I don't have much star wars stuff)
(in case you're unaware, Mark Hamill voices this incarnation of Skeletor )
#maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #actionfigures #toys #markhamill #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #skeletor #skelegod #r2d2
#maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #actionfigures #toys #markhamill #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #skeletor #skelegod #r2d2
Happy lame pun day. 🙂
(I don't have much star wars stuff)
#maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #actionfigures #toys #markhamill #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #skeletor #skelegod #r2d2
#maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #actionfigures #toys #markhamill #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #skeletor #skelegod #r2d2
Masterverse New Adventures He-Man
From that strange 1990 attempt to relaunch and revamp the brand. Not all that successful but had it's moments. This figure is pretty cool though. This design always did feel more Flash Gordon than He-Man to me but that works and this is a fun figure. Hard to get in UK but a US friend helped me out with this and a figure I'll post later. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
This figure has been painted, scrubbed, repainted, painted some more, scrubbed a bit, painted, repainted and so on over the course of 14 months so it's probably had enough. It might be time to just take what I like and apply it to one of the spare fresh out of the box Rev He-Man figures for a much cleaner custom. But eh, this one still looks nice in my opinion. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
This figure has been painted, scrubbed, repainted, painted some more, scrubbed a bit, painted, repainted and so on over the course of 14 months so it's probably had enough. It might be time to just take what I like and apply it to one of the spare fresh out of the box Rev He-Man figures for a much cleaner custom. But eh, this one still looks nice in my opinion. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
This figure has been painted, scrubbed, repainted, painted some more, scrubbed a bit, painted, repainted and so on over the course of 14 months so it's probably had enough. It might be time to just take what I like and apply it to one of the spare fresh out of the box Rev He-Man figures for a much cleaner custom. But eh, this one still looks nice in my opinion. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys
Happy #MotUDay 🙂
(Pst, Orko, stop playing with yourself)
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #orko
#motuday #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #orko
Scare Glow taunts the King.
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #kinggrayskull #scareglow
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #moturevolution #actionfigures #toys #kinggrayskull #scareglow
Evil-ution of Evil-Lyn
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #evillyn #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #evillyn #actionfigures #toys
For us Masterverse collectors in the UK: have pre-order listings for ten of the new figures including two Deluxes.
The 4 pack photos amuse me because they look like they gonna sing Bohemian Rhapsody (or should that be Bo-He-Man Rhapsody... and when Bow gets his eventual Masterverse figure that would be Bow-He-Man...ok I'll stop now 😋)
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #moturevelation #actionfigures #skeletor #toys #heman #neweternia
#masterverse #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #moturevelation #actionfigures #skeletor #toys #heman #neweternia
Something about Man-E-Faces' new character 'Military Brat' bugs Teela... 🤔
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #teela #manefaces
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #actionfigures #toys #teela #manefaces
Masterverse New Eternia Man-E-Faces
Another cool figure. Nice sculpt and colours. Comes with six faces. Any combination of three can be attached to the rotating barrel part inside the head. The other three can be stored in his suitcase. Unlike the Origins figure his helmet cannot turn, because of how it's designed to be removable to attach other faces.
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #manefaces #actionfigures #toys
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #manefaces #actionfigures #toys
Hm, must remember to deFrost(a) the freezer sometime. 🙂
(Frosta's hair really does change to a rich darker blue in the cold and a very pale light blue in heat. 🙂)
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #frosta #PrincessofPower
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #frosta #princessofpower
Masterverse New Eternia 'Barbarian' Skeletor
Finally picked this one up now I found it in a sale. The 'Barabarian' look is loosely inspired by the 'Demo-Man' concept art that evolved into the original Skeletor and you can swap the head and remove the cloaked armour to make a more traditional Skelly. It's not my fave Masterverse Skeletor figure but he's cool. 🙂
#MastersOfTheUniverse #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #skeletor
#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #skeletor
November I posted photo of Revelation He-Man getting close to Melissa Benoist Supergirl (with Teela angry coming at them) and now today Melissa herself announces she's Teela in Revolution (taking over from Sarah Michelle Gellar). 😮 I don't know why Sarah isn't coming back but Melissa is a great replacement (and obviously has chemistry with He-Man's voice actor Chris Wood, since he's actually her husband) 😳
#MastersOfTheUniverse #motu #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #heman #teela
#mastersoftheuniverse #motu #heman #moturevelation #actionfigures #toys #teela
Masterverse New Eternia Jitsu
Cool figure. Interesting that this incarnation is a good guy as opposed to previous versions being a villain. And seems I got the US version with the bio on the box. Nice. I like the new mask and general appearance of the figure. I kinda wish the armour was more pinkish red if the box art than the orangey red it is but he's cool.
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#mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #motu #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #neweternia #jitsu #actionfigures #toys