Pues mientras arranca del todo la temporada de #anime de primavera 2023 sigo viendo #MouIppon. No sé nada de judo pero se me ha hecho interesante. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
#anime #mouippon #felizviernes
#MouIppon es un #anime entretenido. Todavía no veo todos los episodios pero al menos ya sé más del #judo que antes de que comenzara a verlo. #FelizSabado a todos :3.
#mouippon #anime #judo #felizsabado
Mou Ippon – Episode 9 – Michi’s Surprising Victory and Natsu Under Pressure
Mou Ippon – Episode 8 – Start of the Summer Tournaments and Michi’s First Big Match
Mou Ippon – Episode 7 – West Aoba’s “Secret” Weapon
Watching #MouIppon is making me remember the Jiu-Jitsu training I did back in college, and now I want to take lessons in judo.
Mou Ippon – Episode 6 – Anna’s Decision to Be With Michi
Mou Ippon! - Ippon again! Episode 04
#anime #japananime #animeupdate #animetv_jp #animesub #zanpaku_id #MouIppon #Ipponagain
#ipponagain #mouippon #zanpaku_id #animesub #animetv_jp #animeupdate #japananime #Anime
Mou Ippon – Episode 5 – Michi meets her Match and Nagumo Feeling Left Out
Awww Mou ippon wrote that girls friendship so well in the latest ep. They both just want to be able to go back to being friends again, while having found their new places to be ❤️
Here is the episodic review schedule for Winter 2023:
Wednesday: #TenseiOujotoTensaiReijounoMahouKakumei
Saturday: #RougoniSonaeteIsekaide8ManMainoKinkaoTamemasu
Sunday: #MouIppon
Monday: #D4DJ
#tenseioujototensaireijounomahoukakumei #rougonisonaeteisekaide8manmainokinkaotamemasu #mouippon #d4dj
Mou Ippon – Episode 4 – Himura Faces Her Rival
Mou Ippon – Episode 3 – The New Judo Club Capitain and Himura’s Rival
Mou Ippon – Episode 2 – That Reason why Hiura Followed Michi To Her High School
I've watched one episode so far of this martial arts anime about girls' judo.
Will I keep watching? Yes. I'm fond of the girl from the other middle school who I think may have picked her high school based on eavesdropping on her opponent. She's kind of adorably awkward and seeking to make contact through judo. (Hah. Pun not actually intended)
I mean. I like martial arts. And I love girl friendship found family.
A starter post with tags for anime I plan to try this season.
2nd Season:
#IDOLiSH7 #BlueLock #playitcoolguys #TokyoRevengers #thevampirediesinnotime #tsurune #D4DJ #mouippon #flaglia #kubowontletmebeinvisible #malevolentspirits #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #themagicalrevolutionofthereincarnated #kainaofthegreatsnowsea #onimai #revenger #technoroid #tomochanisagirl #winteranime2023 #anime
Mou Ippon – Episode 1 – Tournament Blunders and Giving Judo Another Try
#mouippon #comedy #firstimpressions #sports