I've seen so many #birds with mottled coloring on their heads this summer. Magpies, jackdaws, crows and pigeons. Is this normal? Recently I've also seen a few that look like their heads are #moulting. Any #ornithologist/s out there with thoughts?
#birds #moulting #ornithologist
Guillia Camply of @rmwaterhouse lab about #moulting genes in #arthropods. The most diverse group shares the trait of moulting. We can see it in the fossils record and every where around us but it is largely understudied. Trying to understand the history and the diversity of gene families and expression of this trait around all arthropods. Doing exceptional work of comparing between 150 proteomes and 65 gene families. How do change occur in arthropoda?
#SMBE23 #SMBE2023 #evolution #moulting
#moulting #Arthropods #SMBE23 #smbe2023 #Evolution
Come visit my poster and discuss science at today's poster session #929
The Onion: Biden Lowers Skin Halfway To Observe National Day Of Molting https://www.theonion.com/biden-lowers-skin-halfway-to-observe-national-day-of-mo-1850636264 @news@lemmy.seedoubleyou.me #healthmedicalpharma #ethology #moulting #joebiden #biden #skin
#healthmedicalpharma #ethology #moulting #joebiden #biden #skin
One of the key stand out highlights for our guests and friends yesterday was being literally enveloped in swirling masses of low flying Little Swift !
Here’s one just leaving the nesting #colony ! Little flying #moulting perfection! 😊
#colony #moulting #flywaybirding #ingloriousbustards #swifts
Lua: "My plan for bunny assexual reproduction has been discovered! Daddy removed most of my moult!"
#moult #moulting #bunniesofmastodon #bunny
New preprint by @moultdb project member Harriet Drage: Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with morphometry https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.12.520015v1 #trilobite #paleontology #moulting #ArthropodEvolution #UNIL
#trilobite #paleontology #moulting #arthropodevolution #UNIL
Wylinka może trwać kilka godzin, w tym momencie pająk jest zupełnie bezbronny, pozostawiony pokarm może zjeść osobnika. Po wylince pająk jest tzw "żelkiem", czyli jego pancerz jest na tyle miękki, że można mu zrobić krzywdę dotykając go pęsetą, czy też innymi narzędziami, którymi posługujemy się na co dzień w terrarystyce
#wylinka #moulting #moult #poecilotheria #rufilata #ptasznik #spider #pająk #arachno #arachnofobia #tarantula
#tarantula #arachnofobia #arachno #pajak #spider #ptasznik #rufilata #poecilotheria #moult #moulting #wylinka
It’s been a while since I was kept up by a #moulting #tarantula. Just caught the tail end of one of my #Lasiodora parahybana females. Not long now.
#lasiodora #tarantula #moulting