#MoundMonday #PhotoMonday #Moche #Huacas #Peru
A truck passes in front of the once largest #adobe #pyramid. In search of treasure, the river was diverted to erode the monument. A portion rermains.
#HuacaDelSol #GeoLocation -8.131, -78.995
Latitude -8.1301° tangent equals one-seventh.
Early Monumental Architecture on the Peruvian Coast
#Archaeology #Arqueologia
#Panoramio #PhotoShare by Razumikhina Daria https://web.archive.org/web/20161022103828/http://www.panoramio.com/photo/55602406
Click image for wider view.
#moundmonday #Photomonday #moche #huacas #peru #adobe #pyramid #huacadelsol #geolocation #archaeology #arqueologia #panoramio #photoshare
#MoundMonday #PhotoMonday #MonksMound #Cahokia
#Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 1,600 ha 120 mounds
The largest earthen monument north of #Mesoamerica
#PhotoGallery http://www.jqjacobs.net/archaeo/cahokia.html
#GeoLocation 38.6598, -90.0622
Latitude tangent equals four fifths
#Mississippian #Archaeology #Earthworks #Photography #FallColors
UNESCO https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/198/
#moundmonday #Photomonday #monksmound #Cahokia #Mesoamerica #photogallery #geolocation #mississippian #archaeology #earthworks #photography #fallcolors
Williamson Mound, the third largest conic #mound in #Ohio, over 12m tall.
#GeoLocation #GPS 39.743833 -83.828167 +/-2m
Mound Builders of the Eastern Woodlands Expedition http://www.jqjacobs.net/blog/chillicothe.html
#Archaeology #Adena #Mounds #MoundBuilding #Earthworks #Photography
#moundmonday #mound #ohio #geolocation #gps #archaeology #adena #mounds #moundbuilding #earthworks #photography
Grave Creek Mound #Archaeological Complex, Moundsville WV
#GeoLocation 39.91686 -80.74472 #GPS
Tallest #Adena mound, second largest, 19m high, 73m wide.
Exploring #WestVirginia #Archaeology https://wvculture.org/explore/grave-creek-mound/
#moundmonday #archaeological #geolocation #gps #adena #westvirginia #archaeology
#MoundMonday, let's make it trend #archaeologists.
Built over about seven millennia, #Sambaqui #ShellMounds found on the Brazilian coast range up to 70m high and 500m wide.
Photo is Garopaba Sambaqui -28.62547 -48.8929, largest shell mound in Santa Catarina area, about 700,00 cubic meters - nearly equal to Monks Mound.
See bibliography here: Sambaquis from the Southern Brazilian Coast ...
#Archaeology #Brazil #Mounds #MoundBuilding
#moundmonday #archaeologists #sambaqui #shellmounds #archaeology #brazil #mounds #moundbuilding
Enon Mound, the second largest conic #mound in #Ohio, once about 15m in height.
39.879639, -83.931667 #GPS
Signage prohibits climbing so I called upon the police station a block away and was given an escort who quickly tired of watching how slow the satellite reception is below the beautiful trees. I was there the last day of #FallColors in 2005.
Ancient Earthworks of Eastern North America http://www.jqjacobs.net/archaeo/
#Adena #archaeology #earthworks #monuments
#moundmonday #mound #ohio #gps #fallcolors #adena #archaeology #earthworks #monuments
More #MoundMonday
Some of the largest mounds in the world are accurately placed at significant latitudes. I first noticed the largest-in-volume #prehistoric earthen construction in the Americas, #MonksMound, #Cahokia, #latitude tangent = 4/5.
Ancient Monument Latitudes Evidence Accurate #Astronomy
"Monument placement at latitudes where small rational numbers describe the local geometric relationship to celestial motions has astronomical utility."
#moundmonday #prehistoric #monksmound #Cahokia #latitude #astronomy
Can we make #MoundMonday a thing? What's your favorite mound? How do you rate #mounds, significance, size, age, type, earthen, stone, geometric?
Here's a #deskpicture, 2560 x 1440 px, #Observatory Mound, #Newark #Earthworks, #Ohio.
Illustration from Squier and Davis. 40.05114 -82.45014
In #GoogleEarth turn on Layers > Photos (View > Sidebar) to check out shared #photography.
Turn on Layers > Gallery > Google Earth Community and my #GPS #placemarks appear at many mound and earthworks sites.
#moundmonday #mounds #deskpicture #observatory #newark #earthworks #ohio #GoogleEarth #photography #gps #placemarks