Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
506 followers · 2777 posts · Server

In the "Hoogtelijn", the magazine of the Dutch Alpine Club NKBV (don't laugh, 70.000 members and growing 😜) there is an interesting article on CO₂ emissions of overnight stay in a hut of the Swiss Alpine Club. Most likely this info comes from the SAC magazin (would be interested if someone could share that original article itself).

One overnight stay emits 4.6 kg CO₂ (comparable with a 14km car ride or 180km by public transportation).

Main contributors:
38% logistics (transport goods to/from valley)
34% (preparing) foods and drinks

In 2040 SAC wants to have the huts completely CO₂ neutral.

#sac #nkbv #mountainhuts #co2

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
497 followers · 2734 posts · Server

The hut was abandoned and burned down by the police in 2005, so nobody could use the hut in this dangerous place.

All that remains today are some small walls. As you can see in the first picture, even more of the hut has disappeared in the deep (picture of this morning).

The second picture is a zoomed out version. You can see the remains of the hut in the center. Everything below the hut used to be glacier.

100 meters higher the new Bäregg has been built, which opened in 2006.

Strange idea that at this place the history of mountain huts in Switzerland began.

Further pictures:


#stieregghutte #mountainhuts #glacier #hiking #mountaineering

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
495 followers · 2728 posts · Server

After reading the above article about the Stieregghütte, the first mountain hut of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC, I wanted to see where this hut once stood. The hut was initially built in 1823 and was destroyed several times by avalanches. Each time it was rebuild at the same spot.

The last time it was rebuild was in 1952. The glacier has been retreating since 150 years and this means that the moraine do not have enough back pressure as it used to have, so the moraine started to collapse further and further. And so it eventually reached the hut.


#stieregghutte #mountainhuts #glacier

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
495 followers · 2726 posts · Server

It was a long time, since I hiked in Grindelwald for the last time. Although not as early as last hike, I will still the first on the trail to Bergrestaurant Bäregg. The cablecar was not running yet, so most of the people were not on the mountain yet.

Reason for this hike was the news article of last week about the first hut of the Swiss Alpine Club and that triggered my curiosity. Had to see for myself where it stood. Will spend another post on that later.

The hike brought me to beautiful vistas on the Fiescherhorn and the west wall of the Eiger. A nice train ride brought me home again.

#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #baregg #fiescherhorn #eiger #grindelwald #mountainhuts

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
495 followers · 2709 posts · Server

Nice article (in German) about the first mountain hut in Switzerland and with it the start of the building of the huts of the Swiss Alpine Club.

#mountainhuts #hiking #mountaineering #swissalpineclub #sac

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
475 followers · 2585 posts · Server

The Breslauerhütte (2'844m / 9'330ft) is a hut in the Ötztaler Alpen, Austria. The hut was built in 1882 making it an impressive 141 years old.

The primary summit which can be climbed from the hut, is the Wildspitze (3'768m / 12,362ft). After the Großglockner (which is only 30 meters higher), this is the second highest mountain of Austria.

From the village of Vent you can go up partially by cablecar, making the hut also a popular goal for dayhikes.

#mountainhuts #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #breslauerhutte #wildspitze

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
473 followers · 2551 posts · Server

As promised, the "after renovation" pictures of the Geltenhütte. I have tried to reproduce the two pictures in the previous post, so you can compare easily.

They have added a part on the terrace side, but tried to keep the look as it was. New there is now a door to the terrace directly. They kept approx. the same size for the terrace, which they basically moved it a bit to the left. You can use the rocks at the back of the terrace as reference.

The inside has been modernized, which has been done nice. I could have done without the modernization, except for the comfy chairs (a lot of the time there are only stools).

#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #geltenhutte #mountainhuts

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
473 followers · 2541 posts · Server

"Only a dozen of the 153 mountain huts of the Swiss Alpine Club are profitable. Does it need a price increase?".

Like with with football and public transportation, we will have lots and lots of experts, who will give their opinion in the comments at this news article.

In German only.

#sac #mountainhuts

Last updated 1 year ago

Ingolf Kühn · @IngolfKuehn
678 followers · 1159 posts · Server

Blick aus dem Lager in der Adolf-Nossberger-Hütte auf die Hohen Tauern

#mountainhuts #osterreich #karnten #nationalparkhohetauern #fensterfreitag

Last updated 1 year ago

mxk · @mxk
524 followers · 4631 posts · Server

At least one sunny day in 10 days!

#hiking #alps #mountainhuts

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
458 followers · 2456 posts · Server

We plan to make an overnight stay in the Geltenhütte this Saturday. Since our last visits the hut has been renovated, so I thought I post before and after pictures. Today on the hut as it looked like in 2008 (no rainfilter or waterdrops on the lens, the camera was just that bad).

#throwbackthursday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #geltenhutte #mountainhuts

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
412 followers · 2235 posts · Server

Tomorrow will be the start of a multi-day hiking trip in Wallis, where I will be staying in mountain huts where I have never been before.

Good enough reason as any to post a picture of a hut where I have been in the past.

This is the Lämmerenhütte (2'503m / 8'211ft), also in Wallis (although part of the Bernese Alps) as it looked back in 2009.

It is the most frequented hut in Switzerland. In 2022 there were 8484 registered stays. This has mainly two reasons. For one the hut is a large r one (it sleeps 96 people). The second reason it serves two seasons (winter and summer), where a lot of huts only serve in the summer months.

#mountainhuts #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #lammerenhutte

Last updated 1 year ago

Schalk Cronjé · @ysb33r
14 followers · 69 posts · Server

Refugi/Cabana de Siscaro. This unmanned structure in the Pyrenees is where hikers on Andorran section of the HRP passes by. I think it can sleep about 14 people.

It has an interesting placement next to a wetland, it is best approached from the signpost on the approach from Valls de Incles (west-to-east direction on the HRP). If approached from the other direction it can be tempting to cross the wetland, but unless you know where you are going, you might be forced to turn back.

#mountainhuts #pyrenees #hiking #andorra #hrp

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
398 followers · 2143 posts · Server

The Capanna Cristallina at 2'572m (8'438ft) is situated in Ticino, Switzerland (the Itialian speaking part) and lies on a pass with the same name. This new hut replaced the old hut in 2003. I like the outside architecture, but the inside is to clean/sterile for my taste. Certainly very practical for the crew, but for me there was a soul missing somehow. The crew was very nice though.

We climbed the Cristallina at 2'912 meter, which gave a nice panorama all the way to the Bernese Alps. On the second picture those Bernese Alps can't be seen, but if you look closely, you can find the hut.


#mountainhuts #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #cristallina

Last updated 1 year ago

Stefan · @stk
71 followers · 320 posts · Server

Silvrettahütte SAC (2337m),
We spend the season start night on Saturday and were surpised by a gourmet menu as a special event. As far as I can tell all beds were occupied. Most groups headed for Silvrettagletscher and Piz Buin on Sunday morning.


Last updated 1 year ago

Stefan · @stk
71 followers · 319 posts · Server

The tiny Seetalhütte SAC near Klosters. You need to bring your food and cook yourself. We just passed by after a night in the Silvrettahütte. But I think I come back some day and spend a night there.


Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
396 followers · 2083 posts · Server

Today I was able to capture to mountain huts in one picture. In the foreground you see the Doldenhornhütte (1'916m / 6,286ft) and straight above it on the ridge in the background you can see the Bluemlisalphütte (2'835m / 9'301ft).

It will take a normal hiker approx 5h30m to walk from the Doldenhornhütte to the Bluemlisalphütte.

#mountainhuts #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #doldenhornhutte #bluemlisalphutte

Last updated 1 year ago

Sander Meijer · @bergmeister
391 followers · 2029 posts · Server

We are mid June and more and more mountain huts are open or in the process of getting opened. Managing a mountain hut is hard work with long days (and no or low profit). A big thank you to all who are involved in keeping this infrastructure maintained. Without your efforts the options and possibilities in mountain adventures would be diminished a lot. 🙏

This picture shows the Leutschachhütte (2'208m / 7'244ft) in Canton Uri, Switzerland.

It takes a good eye, but someone managed to get me on the picture. Need to be more alert next time 😜

#mountainhuts #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #leutschachhutte

Last updated 1 year ago

Schalk Cronjé · @ysb33r
6 followers · 26 posts · Server

This the Refugi de l'Agonella which is in the Agonella valley - probably the valley that is most pristine and secluded in all of Andorra.

Access is generally possible from three directions, the easiest being a 900m ascent from the village of Llorts.

This unmanned hut is normally used by fishermen who come to the three lakes above the hut or by people who walk the GRP.

(The GRP is a multi-day hike that circles the Principality of Andorra on some high mountain paths).

#mountainhuts #andorra

Last updated 1 year ago

Schalk Cronjé · @ysb33r
4 followers · 15 posts · Server

This is the Refugi de la Comapedrosa, Andorra. It is open in summer for overnighting and food.

It is quite popular with people who just want an overnight out, or for those who want to tackle Comapedrosa (2994m) via the standard route. Of course it is also possible to do the peak in one day without a sleepover.

The standard GR11 passes right by here. (There is an alternative which goes over Collada de les Estanys Forcats and bypasses this section).

Nearby is the Estany de les Truïtes, which is also a popular picnic spot once you've done the ~ 2h, ~3.5km & 700m ascent from the car park.

#mountainhuts #andorra #pyrenees

Last updated 1 year ago