The mountain nyala are shy and elusive towards human beings. Four to five individuals may congregate for short intervals of time to form small herds.
🦌 Dinsho | Ethiopia
#natureofafrica #ethiopianwildlife #natgeoadventure #nikonmea #wanderlust #vogelfotografie #mountainnyala #thisisafrica #marvelouz_animals #igscwildlife #wildlifeonearth #africansafaris #bownaankamal #lifetimesafari #conservation #fingerprintofgod #animalcaptures #africasafari #wildlifeplanet #bigfive #earthfocus
#natureofafrica #ethiopianwildlife #natgeoadventure #nikonmea #wanderlust #vogelfotografie #mountainnyala #thisisafrica #marvelouz_animals #igscwildlife #wildlifeonearth #africansafaris #bownaankamal #lifetimesafari #Conservation #fingerprintofgod #animalcaptures #africasafari #wildlifeplanet #bigfive #earthfocus
Mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) or balbok, is a large antelope found in high altitude woodlands in a small part of central Ethiopia. It is a monotypic species (without any identified subspecies).
🦌 Dinsho | Ethiopia
#naturephoto #ecotourism #animalconservation #mountainnyala #balemountain #travelafrica #bownaankamal #animalsaddict #nikon #antelopes #natureismetal #safarilife #animal_sultans #lovelyanimals #ethiopianwildlife #wildlifethroughlens #ethiopiawildlife
#naturephoto #ecotourism #animalconservation #mountainnyala #balemountain #travelafrica #bownaankamal #animalsaddict #nikon #antelopes #natureismetal #safarilife #animal_sultans #lovelyanimals #ethiopianwildlife #wildlifethroughlens #ethiopiawildlife
This moment is a perfect example of human – wildlife conflict. If you take a close lookup at the horn of the male mountain nyala, a nylon thread can be seen.
Not only the Mountain Nyalas, there are other species which live close to human conflict zones in many of the Ethiopian regions.
🦌 Dinsho | Ethiopia
#discovery #lovelyanimals #animalcaptures #mountainnyala #ethiopianwildlife #dinsho #bownaankamal #safarilife #nature #liveforthestory #natureinfocus #animal_sultans #naturein_focus
#discovery #lovelyanimals #animalcaptures #mountainnyala #ethiopianwildlife #dinsho #bownaankamal #safarilife #nature #liveforthestory #natureinfocus #animal_sultans #naturein_focus