View from the Engelhorn (1'776m / 5'826ft) in the Bernese Oberland. Because of its modest height the Engelhorn is a nice mountain to summit in spring and fall wenn higher up snow might already limit the options.
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Engelhorn #BerneseOberland #BernerOberland
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #engelhorn #berneseoberland #berneroberland
High mountains naturally attract, lower ones do not get the same love. Horen (2'444m / 8'018ft) in the Bernese Oberland is such a mountain.
Surrounded by giants it is often overlooked as a goal, but the panorama from the top is very nice. You will be certain you have the place by yourself as well.
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Horen
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #horen
The Bütlasse in the Bernese Oberland (3'193m / 10'472ft) was, until now, 4 times on my planned routes, but I never reached the summit. The first time we took a wrong turn and did not have time anymore to go back and try again. The second and fourth time we replanned in the hut because of bad weather. The third time there was too much snow/ice for us.
Anyway, like they say, the mountain will be there for the next time.
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Bütlasse
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #butlasse
Wildes Mannle (3'023m / 9'917ft) is an easy "3000-er" in the Ötztaler Alps, Austria. From the village of Vent one could walk up or take the cable car for the first few hunderd meters of elevation.
On the summit you have a wide panorama, which includes the Wildspitze, with 3'774 meter the second highest mountain of Austria (only 25 meters lower than the Grossglockner).
After summitting the Wildes Mannle, you could get a lunch of afternoon drink in the Breslauer Hütte before descending. This is a nice daytour.
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicure #WildesMannle
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicure #wildesmannle
Mountains ⛰️ on a Tuesday. And still no goats. 🐐 Stayed in the lower parts of the Sierra. A little bit up and down. Into the valley over the Genil “river” to the mountains around Cenes. Beautiful and splendid views of the mountain peaks without clouds. It snowed last night up there. Now back home. ✈️ #running #trailrunning #sierranevada #MountainsMonday #MountainMonday
#running #trailrunning #sierranevada #mountainsmonday #mountainmonday
Second trail run for the day in the Sierra Nevada. Went to the small village of Monachil at 900m, climbed the mountains up to 1620m and got a nice view of the ski resort Pradollano at 2000m. #running #trailrunning #MountainMonday #MountainsMonday #sierranevada
#running #trailrunning #mountainmonday #mountainsmonday #sierranevada
Short 2 day trip to southern Spain and Granada. Good opportunity to run in Sierra Nevada in the morning. in the background Pico de Veleta 3398m. #running #trailrunning #sierranevada #MountainMonday #MountainsMonday
#running #trailrunning #sierranevada #mountainmonday #mountainsmonday
The Stockhorn (2'190m / 7'185ft) in Bernese Oberland, here shown in the middle of the picture seen from the Niederhorn, is not very high, but stands out nevertheless because of it's sharp shape. The south-side is pretty gentle, but the north-side drops straight down.
It is a very loved mountain for easy hiking tours with kids, as there is a cable-car with two sections, two lakes (one very accessible) and the elevation from the middle station to the top is only about 500 meters.
The Strüssligrat, as an alternative route to the top for those who want some challenge, is a nice ridge with a super panorama. A favorite.
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Stockhorn
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #stockhorn
#PunchANaziSaturday #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdayNight #SoulfulSaturday #StoatSaturday
#ShrimpSunday #ShoulderSunday #SpiderSunday #SucculentSunday #SundayRoast #SundayRunDay #SundayStarter #SundayThoughts #SunDog #SunriseSunday #SunsetSunday
#BlueMonday #MacroMonday #ManicMonday #MashMonday #MementoMoriMonday #MetalMonday #MineralMonday #MiteMonday #MolluscMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MossMonday #MotorheadMonday #MountainsMonday #MustangMonday #TransMusicMonday
#AstroTuesday #DuckTuesday #HootinTootinTuesday #PatchTuesday #TacoTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TransTuesday #TuesdayArt #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayVibes #Tunesday #TuneSwapTuesday #TuskTuesday
#MittwochMetalMix #WaterWednesday #WednesdayAddams #WedsNeigh #WeevilWednesday #Wenbiesday #WestWed #WildHorseWednesday #WineWednesday #WishListWednesday #WrensDay
#BlackAndWhiteThursday #Fursday #RomanFortThursday #ThankfulThursday #ThickTrunkThursday #ThursdayThoughts #VerseThursday
#AdventureGameFriday #FairisleFriday #FastingFridaysForFuture #FBF #FediFriday #FernFriday #FilmFriday #FindsFriday #FineFemmeFriday #FishFriday #FishyFriday #FloralFriday #FlyFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayEve #FridayHeretics #FridayMorning #FridayMusic #FridayNightBeersAreTheBestBeers #FriYay #FrogFriday #FroggyFriday #FunFriday #FunSockFriday #PhotographyFriday #RuinedPrioryFriday #TransVoiceFriday
Hashtag Index for more
#punchanazisaturday #romansitesaturday #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaynight #soulfulsaturday #stoatsaturday #shrimpsunday #shouldersunday #spidersunday #succulentsunday #sundayroast #sundayrunday #sundaystarter #sundaythoughts #sundog #sunrisesunday #sunsetsunday #bluemonday #macromonday #manicmonday #mashmonday #mementomorimonday #metalmonday #mineralmonday #MiteMonday #molluscmonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #mossmonday #motorheadmonday #mountainsmonday #mustangmonday #transmusicmonday #astrotuesday #ducktuesday #hootintootintuesday #patchtuesday #tacotuesday #toebeanstuesday #transtuesday #TuesdayArt #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdayvibes #tunesday #tuneswaptuesday #tusktuesday #mittwochmetalmix #waterwednesday #wednesdayaddams #wedsneigh #WeevilWednesday #wenbiesday #westwed #wildhorsewednesday #winewednesday #wishlistwednesday #wrensday #blackandwhitethursday #fursday #romanfortthursday #thankfulthursday #thicktrunkthursday #thursdaythoughts #VerseThursday #adventuregamefriday #fairislefriday #fastingfridaysforfuture #fbf #fedifriday #fernfriday #filmfriday #FindsFriday #finefemmefriday #fishfriday #fishyfriday #floralfriday #flyfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayeve #fridayheretics #fridaymorning #fridaymusic #fridaynightbeersarethebestbeers #friyay #frogfriday #froggyfriday #funfriday #funsockfriday #photographyfriday #ruinedprioryfriday #transvoicefriday
View from the Nufenenstock (2'846m / 9'337ft) with to the right the Blinnenhorn, which marks the border between Italy (to the left) and Switzerland (to the right).
The rescue helicopter was already there when ascending to the summit. One man was calmly being treated by the medics. When we arrived in the hut we found his friend who could tell us, that all was well with him. 🙏
What a blessing that there is a such a good rescue network in Switzerland. An dumb accident or medical situation can happen oh so quickly.
#MountainMonday #MountainsMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Nufenenstock
#mountainmonday #mountainsmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #nufenenstock
My favorite subjects today are the beautiful mountains in British Columbia. An early #mountainsmonday !
#mountainsmonday #britishcolombia #pnw #mountains
Hello Trails, Mountains and World! Posting now as
Thank you, @bergmeister for hosting this instance.
#running #trailrunning #mountainsmonday
So my home here at is retiring in June. Guess I will move over to ⛰️🐐 🏃♂️ #running #trailrunning #MountainsMonday
#running #trailrunning #mountainsmonday
Niesen (2'362m / 7'749ft) has been on a lot of pictures I posted from the Bernese Oberland (because it is just so visible from all angles). Here a picture with a view from the summit looking North.
Prominent is Lake Thun with the city of Thun on the left. On the right you can see Interlaken and part of Lake Brienz.
In the foreground the village of Spiez with "the most beautiful bay of Europe" as its slogan (come and just for yourself!).
On the opposite side of Lake Thun the Sigriswiler Rothorn and to its right the Niederhorn can be seen.
All the way on the right-side of the picture: the snow-capped Wetterhorn.
#MountainMonday #MountainsMonday #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Niesen
#mountainmonday #mountainsmonday #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #niesen
Panorama video from the Weissmies over (amongst other) the Mischabel Group above Saas Fee. The Dom is the highest mountain which is completely on Swiss soil (the highest point of Switzerland is the summit of the Dufourspitze at 4'634 m / 15'203 ft, but its base is in Italy and Switzerland).
Strahlhorn (4'190 m)
Rimpfischhorn (4'199 m)
Allalinhorn (4'027m)
Täschhorn (4'491 m)
Dom (4'545 m)
Lenzspitze (4'293 m)
Nadelhorn (4'327 m)
#Mountaineering #Weissmies #Strahlhorn #Rimpfischhorn #Allalinhorn #Täschhorn #Dom #Lenzspitze #Nadelhorn #MountainsMonday #MountainMonday
#mountaineering #weissmies #strahlhorn #rimpfischhorn #allalinhorn #taschhorn #dom #lenzspitze #nadelhorn #mountainsmonday #mountainmonday
Two mountaineers coming over the final ridge to the summit of the Weissmies (4'017 m / 13'179 ft) in Wallis, Switzerland. We came from the Almagellerhütte and after summitting we descended to Hohsaas, the classic route over the Weissmies.
We had a warm night, so the snow above the hut was not really strong and I sank down to my hip frequently (was at the end of the rope, which did not help either). Only when we came up higher, the snow was still frozen solid and we made quicker progress. The normal route is up and down from Hohsaas, but from the Almagellerhütte is definitely a plus.
July 2012
#MountainsMonday #MountainMonday #Mountaineering #Hiking #WeeklyHikingPicture #Weissmies
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday #mountaineering #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #weissmies
Last Friday we walked from Poolewe to see Carn Mor Bothy and dreamed about being able to do the same walk and climb A'Mhaighdeanon the same day (highly unlikely). #Photomonday #mountainsmonday
"Yes, mate. Same to you."
Röndólfur giving Slöttur the finger.
Between Berufjörður and Breiðdalsvík, eastern #Iceland.
Risserkogel 1826m to the left (with Blankenstein 1768m in the front), in the far back to the right we see Halserspitz 1862m. Mountains are south of Tegernsee in the Bavarian Alps. #MountainsMonday #MountainMonday
#mountainsmonday #mountainmonday