Almost forgot about the #ThursdayFiveList. Took some time to think about it this morning and then got distracted and oops.
Anyway, not too late. Here are some songs that are sort of connected to #TheVoid, maybe, a bit.
The All Seeing I (ft Phil Oakey) - First Man In Space
I could've used this when we did space songs on Friday. But I think it's better today, because of how it uses space as an allegory for emptiness, loneliness, and a loss of self-worth.
A.C. Jones and the Soulettes - Hole In Your Soul
Not the Abba song of the same name. And honestly, it barely fits the theme. It's just the title, attached to a lovely bit of Cleveland funk.
Keeley Forsyth - Lost
I'm not entirely sure this fits because I'm not entirely sure I understand the lyrics. But it seems to be about absence and emptiness? Anyway, it's an interesting number.
Mount Eerie - Emptiness
Kind of self-explanatory, how this fits.
Clark - Absence
A beautiful, introspective number. Fits the title in sound, if not words (it's instrumental).
#music #MountEerie #Clark #KeeleyForsyth #ACJones #TheSoulettes #TheAllSeeingI #PhilOakey #HumanLeague
#thursdayfivelist #thevoid #music #mounteerie #clark #keeleyforsyth #acjones #thesoulettes #theallseeingi #philoakey #humanleague
Mount Eerie – Huge Fire – Neue Single
#News #Singer-Songwriter #HugeFire #MountEerie #PhilElverem
#news #singer #hugefire #mounteerie #philelverem