@seamage There have been towers there since television transmission began in the 1950s. One that is currently there is an amalgamated replacement of the originals.
#lutruwita #tasmania #kunanyi #mountwellington #tvtower #memory
#lutruwita #tasmania #kunanyi #mountwellington #tvtower #memory
Today, I found out the TV transmission tower on kunanyi/Mount Wellington was built in 1995. I lived in Hobart between 1990 and 1996, and I have no memory of the tower not being there. Or of it being built. Or anyone mentioning it being built.
I don't doubt it, but it's a weird moment where my memories and facts are having trouble reconciling.
photo: Gary Houston via Wiki Commons
#lutruwita #tasmania #kunanyi #mountWellington #TVTower #memory
#lutruwita #tasmania #kunanyi #mountwellington #tvtower #memory
Even when it's just a DEM model (elevation data) and a c.1805 map, Hobart's terrain is unmistakeable.
#hobart #kunanyi #MountWellington #tasmania #history #histodons #gis #maps #cartography
#hobart #kunanyi #mountwellington #tasmania #history #histodons #gis #maps #cartography
searching for dynamite
Distillery of words,
Pierces cloud with shrub and rock.
Thin air, unending stare,
Towers over city square,
Infinite against the clock.
Each step a trespass-
A risk for perfect rhyme.
A search, of sorts,
Of forest and thoughts,
Which thicken as I climb.
The cold, and sweat, and rain endured
Remind me that I live.
With body bent
And daylight spent,
I still have more to give.
Ascend and breath and think aloud,
And lean from tallest tree-
Inhale the pages
While speak, do the ages,
And lightning strikes at thee.
Returning, as the darkness falls
And weary, sit to write.
The closing day, with me does stay,
Yet nothing do I have to say
Of views or mountain's height.
Did I not learn upon my hike?
Did I, perhaps, just fail to see
What others claim the Alpine air
And contemplative wildlife stare
Permits with crisp identity.
I found, without great celebration,
The thing that often shines so clear:
intentions, good or bad, mean naught,
As always comes recurring thought;
I simply need a beer.
#poetstodon #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #mountains #hiking #nietzsche #mountwellington #tasmania #microfiction #inspiration #walking
#poetstodon #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #mountains #hiking #nietzsche #mountwellington #tasmania #microfiction #inspiration #walking
searching for dynamite
Distillery of words,
Pierces cloud with shrub and rock.
Thin air, unending stare,
Towers over city square,
Infinite against the clock.
Each step a trespass-
A risk for perfect rhyme.
A search, of sorts,
Of forest and thoughts,
Which thicken as I climb.
The cold, and sweat, and rain endured
Remind me that I live.
With body bent
And daylight spent,
I still have more to give.
Ascend and breathe and think aloud,
And lean from tallest tree-
Inhale the pages
While speak, do the ages,
And lightning strikes at thee.
Returning, as the darkness falls
And weary, sit to write.
The closing day, with me does stay,
Yet nothing do I have to say
Of views or mountain's height.
Did I not learn upon my hike?
Did I, perhaps, just fail to see
What others claim the Alpine air
And contemplative wildlife stare
Permits with crisp identity.
I found, without great celebration,
The thing that often shines so clear:
intentions, good or bad, mean naught,
As always comes recurring thought;
I simply need a beer.
#poetstodon #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #mountains #hiking #nietzsche #mountwellington #tasmania #microfiction #inspiration #walking
#poetstodon #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #mountains #hiking #nietzsche #mountwellington #tasmania #microfiction #inspiration #walking
Some sun over southern tasmania from kunanyi/mt wellington web camera at hobartcity.com.au
#tasmania #webcam #kunanyi #mountwellington
Oops, forgot to add tags: #kunanyi #mountWellington #snow #tasmania
#tasmania #snow #mountwellington #kunanyi