#MousyMonday presents: a #FancyMouse in a flowerpot.
#miceofmastodon #fancymouse #mousymonday
@Curator #MiceOfMastodon - though it seems yo be pretty much my #MousyMonday posts...
#MousyMonday goes to moving pictures!
#miceofmastodon #fancymice #mousymonday
I almost forgot that it is #MousyMonday!
So I'll show you some #FancyMice butt.
Today, I'm combining #Mondog and #MousyMonday 😄
Everybody's a bit blurry, sorry! Quick movers and whatnot. The dog is interested, not waiting for a snack, mind. (This one dog is east with the mice...)
#miceofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #fancymice #podenco #mousymonday #mondog
Today, I'm combining #Mondog and #MousyMonday 😄
Everybody's a bit blurry, sorry! Quick movers and whatnot. The dog is interested, not waiting for a snack, mind. (This one dog is east with the mice...)
#miceofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #fancymice #podenco #mousymonday #mondog
Is it #MousyMonday again? Oh yes it is! These three darlings could also be models at #FediGetsDrawn, don't you think?
#miceofmastodon #fancymice #fedigetsdrawn #mousymonday
Is it #MousyMonday again? Oh yes it is!
#miceofmastodon #fancymice #mousymonday
Dogs, dogs everywhere? Here's a handful of mousies! I declare this: #MousyMonday. #FancyMice #MiceOfMastodon
#miceofmastodon #fancymice #mousymonday