Minimize videoclips with Handbrake
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
Minimize videoclips with Handbrake
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
Videoclips verkleinern mit Handbrake
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #handbrake #h264 #h265 #mp4 #mov #nvidia
There have been some examples online of people registering .zip domains—some as a joke—to show how these can be used by malicious actors. While there are those who argue that these concerns are unwarranted and overblown, others believe that the general availability of .zip (and .mov) TLDs introduce additional risks our already precarious online environment—especially considering that not everyone might be aware of these risks.
#zip #mov #tld #domains #phishing #cybersecurity
When is a .zip not a .zip?
.zip recently became generally available as a top-level domain (TLD) and it may become problematic.
For example, filenames (e.g. sent over messaging apps may be converted into links and instead of opening/downloading a file, you might end up redirected to a malicious page for phishing and malware.
#zip #mov #tld #domains #phishing #cybersecurity
Vorsicht bei #Links, die auf .zip oder .mov enden: Wie #DNIP berichtet, gibt es durch die Einführung von neuen Top-Level-Domains durch #Google ein neues Einfallstor für Angriffe mit präparierten, aber harmlos aussehenden Links.
Wie immer bei DNIP ist es ein gut erklärender, auch für interessierte Laien geeigneter Artikel.
#ZIP #MOV #ITSicherheit
#itsicherheit #mov #zip #google #dnip #links
So let me get this straight; y'all think I'm gonna get an email from, click a link to and then just run whatever .exe gets downloaded? When does the #phish happen? When do I enter my username and password? Y'all know we can already make urls that end with ".zip" download a .exe instead right? #phishing #security #zip #mov #Google
#Google #mov #zip #security #phishing #phish
If you run a #Discord server, here is an AutoMod rule for #zip and #mov TLDs.
Add the following regex:
This does probably block the TLDs from being mentioned in passing at all, but I think that's for the best.
I'm sure people can make better #regex than me - if you have a better one, feel free to share!
@dangillmor already #dotZIP & #dotMOV are basically exclusively used for #Malware & #Phishing to the point that I'd not be surprised if bir corpirations will just rollout #hostfile|s that redirect #zip & #mov - domains onto some warning site or flat out yeet aka. #NXDOMAIN them...
#NXDOMAIN #mov #zip #hostfile #Phishing #Malware #dotmov #dotzip
#davidsvoboda #rusko #valkanaukrajine #mov #olympijskehry
Svoboda se později za svá slova omluvil. „Bohužel některá moje vyjádření vyzněla nešťastně a zřejmě způsobila zcela jiný dojem, než jak jsem to měl v úmyslu,“ napsal moderní pětibojař na facebooku.
#davidsvoboda #rusko #valkanaukrajine #mov #olympijskehry
Flight: #MOVIE
Callsign: #MOV AIR
Vim Airlines - GULFSTREAM 6 🇷🇺
Speed: 535 kmh
Alt: 2179 m
Dist: 2.7 km
∆: 38.5°
->: W
Seen: 1x
Flight: #MOVIE
Callsign: #MOV AIR
Vim Airlines - GULFSTREAM 6 🇷🇺
Speed: 419 kmh
Alt: 785 m
Dist: 4.3 km
∆: 10.2°
->: NW
Seen: 1st x
There's not a built-in "one click" way in MacOS to convert a MOV to a MP4 apparently. (Right click, convert in finder would be great!)
(I see that iMovie could be an option).
I didn't think I'd need to download something to enable a quick one step workflow for MOV -> MP4.
I like sending brief videos via Signal to show progress of my #webdev. MP4 works best for the consumer side of Signal.
Anyone have a suggestion?
#webdev #signal #mp4 #mov #macos
(Part One)
The first contruation stages of my #minifigure scale #USSMiranda project.
#minifigure #ussmiranda #lego #startrek #afol #moc #mirandaclass #tos #mov