
Repost from @sfl_arc

Extreme Right Wing Political Agenda Aims to Crush Pro-Choice Activism in Florida: Two Additional Arrests in Precedent Setting FACE Act Case and SLAPP Suits Filed Against Activists: sflarc.blogspot.com/

Share widely and get the word out!

You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund: secure.actblue.com/donate/flle
The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.
is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.

We support our political prisoners even when they’re innocent

#solidarity #12yearsforgraffiti #florida #miami #orlando #GreenWave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #ReproductiveJustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortionaccess #ReproductiveHealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #Abolition #LegalSupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #MutualAid #mutualaidfunds #MutualAidRequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering

Last updated 2 years ago

Repost from @SFL_ARC

Share widely and get the word out!

Here is our press release announcing our campaign, our goals with the campaign, & more information on the repression hitting Florida activist communities.

You can donate tax deductible to the legal fund: secure.actblue.com/donate/flle

The feds are utilizing a law originally meant to protect abortion & reproductive healthcare providers against pro-choice activists. The state seems determined to stop at nothing to stifle dissent & is using every tool in its arsenal.

is our our most powerful tool in the struggle. We’ve got each other. And with your help we will win. Share and donate to their legal defense fund to help the cause and fight against blatant state repression.

We support our political prisoners even when their innocent

@UnicornRiot @soflaadmin @igd_news @CrimethInc @FLA_YLF @AtlantaAntifa @dsa_lsc @greenbackdistro @blackrose_rosanegra @guerrillaincjohnbrowngunclub @LukefromDC @nightrunner321 @miaantifanews

#solidarity #12yearsforgraffiti #florida #miami #orlando #GreenWave #greenwaveeverywhere #reproductivehealth #ReproductiveJustice #reproductiverights #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortionaccess #ReproductiveHealthcare #reproductiverightsforall #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights #prisonersupport #jailsupport #antirepression #prisonersolidarity #Abolition #LegalSupport #legaldefense #legaldefensefund #MutualAid #mutualaidfunds #MutualAidRequest #mutualaid2023 #movementlawyering

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken M · @kmontenegro
268 followers · 16297 posts · Server freeradical.zone

Wonderful National Lawyers Guild history in the 2nd half of this show: lawanddisorder.org/2022/10/law it makes me thankful that NLG and other folks & communities thinking about the evolving from Radical Lawyering to to Resistance Lawyering (nlg.org/nlg-statement-on-movem)


Last updated 2 years ago