With spring upon us and warmer temps around the corner, Caltrans Maintenance is busy with mowing and vegetation control work on the highways, such as near the NB SR-99/Hammer Lane off-ramp in Stockton this morning. Please remember to #MoveOver and #BeWorkZoneAlert for safety!
It's #NationalWorkZoneAwarenessWeek! 🦺MassDOT is reminding everyone that you play an essential role in work zone safety. Remember to #SlowDown & #MoveOver so that everyone can make it home safely. #WorkZoneSafety
#nationalworkzoneawarenessweek #slowdown #moveover #workzonesafety
#TrafficAlert Caltrans will be performing night-time sweeping operations on I-5 from SR-132 to Louise Avenue and on SR-120/Manteca Bypass between I-5 and SR-99 on Saturday, April 15 from 12:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Remember to #MoveOver & #BeWorkZoneAlert for everyone's safety!
#trafficalert #moveover #beworkzonealert
#TrafficAlert - A major injury collision earlier this afternoon is still clearing on the E Street Bridge/SR-70 in Marysville. Emergency crews have been onsite since 1pm. Please avoid the area if possible. See updates at quickmap.dot.ca.gov. #moveover #knowbeforeyougo
#trafficalert #moveover #knowbeforeyougo
Chain requirements have been lifted on I-80 East and Westbound but are still in place for SR-20 and SR-89 in the Sierra. Please drive slow and cautiously so everyone gets to their destination safe and sound during this holiday weekend! #TrafficAlert #knowbeforeyougo #moveover
#trafficalert #knowbeforeyougo #moveover
FLOOD CLOSURE: SB SR-1 (PCH) is closed between Warner & Seapoint. Please follow detour signs and directions from CHP and Caltrans crews. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @CityOfSealBeach @SealBeachPolice @CityofHBPIO
#chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
#SIGALERT: The HOV and left lanes of northbound I-5 just south of Camino De Estrella are blocked. Expect delays. Know before you go by checking quickmap.dot.ca.gov #BeAware #MoveOver #BeSafe @CitySanClemente @OCSDSanClemente @cityofsjc @OCSDSanJuanCap
#sigalert #beaware #moveover #besafe
FLOOD CLOSURE: The on-ramp from Lincoln Avenue to northbound I-5 is closed. Please follow detour signs and directions from CHP and Caltrans crews. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @CityofAnaheim @AnaheimPD
#chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
FLOOD CLOSURE: SR-1 (PCH) is closed between Warner & Seapoint. Please follow detour signs and directions from CHP and Caltrans crews. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @CityOfSealBeach @SealBeachPolice @CityofHBPIO
#chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
Our crews are literally working around the clock to repair roadways in between storms. Please give them room to work! They want to make it home safe and sound too! Thanks @CHPSouthLake for the photo! #winter #roadconditions #moveover #moveoverlaw #caltrans #snow
#winter #roadconditions #moveover #moveoverlaw #caltrans #snow
#SIGALERT: Northbound I-5 to Northbound SR-57 connector #1 (left lane) blocked. Please use caution while driving. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @CityOfOrangeCA @CityOfOrangePD
#sigalert #chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
#SIGALERT: Eastbound SR-91 just east of Brookhurst #3 & 4 (right lanes) blocked. Please use caution while driving. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @AnaheimPD @City_of_Anaheim
#sigalert #chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
#SIGALERT: Eastbound SR-91 just east of Brookhurst #3 & 4 lanes blocked. Please use caution while driving. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @City_of_Anaheim @AnaheimPD
#sigalert #chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover
Construction Alert: All NB lanes of SR-55 will be closed between Edinger & McFadden Avenues from 10 p.m. Saturday, March 11 until 5 a.m. Sunday, March 12. Please follow the detour shown in the map. For updates, please check: QuickMap.dot.ca.gov #MoveOver #BeSafe #StayAlert
#Sigalert: The connector from northbound SR-55 to westbound SR-22 is closed. Please use caution while driving. For real-time updates, please check: QuickMap.dot.ca.gov #MoveOver #BeSafe #StayAlert
#sigalert #moveover #besafe #stayalert
#TrafficAlert: The connector from northbound SR-55 to westbound SR-91 is closed. Please use caution while driving. For real time updates, please check: quickmap.dot.ca.gov #CHP #BeSafe #StayAlert #MoveOver @City_of_Anaheim @CityOfOrangeCA @CityofVillaPark
#trafficalert #chp #besafe #stayalert #moveover