Our crews are literally working around the clock to repair roadways in between storms. Please give them room to work! They want to make it home safe and sound too! Thanks @CHPSouthLake for the photo! #winter #roadconditions #moveover #moveoverlaw #caltrans #snow
#winter #roadconditions #moveover #moveoverlaw #caltrans #snow
Please remember to stay alert for these machines, do not crowd the snowplows, & do everything you can to help keep your fellow motorists, our snowplow operators & yourself safe. For road information, check Quickmap.dot.ca.gov.
#moveover #moveoverlaw #knowbeforeyougo #besafe
Please be alert & share the road with our snow plows & snow blowers as they work to keep roadways open for motorists. You can see where our snow removal crews are working & find more road information at Quickmap.dot.ca.gov & on the #Quickmap app.
#quickmap #moveoverlaw #moveover