On September 11, 1964, Doris Wishman’s Behind the Nudist Curtain debuted in the United States. Here’s a drawing of one of my favorite female filmmaking pioneers and underground auteurs to mark the occasion!
#BehindTheNudistCurtain #DorisWishman #WomenInFilm #GrindhouseFilm #ZMovie #ExploitationFilm #SexploitationFilm #Sexploitation #MidnightMovies #1960sMovies #FilmCensorship #CultCinema #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#behindthenudistcurtain #doriswishman #womeninfilm #grindhousefilm #zmovie #exploitationfilm #sexploitationfilm #sexploitation #midnightmovies #1960smovies #filmcensorship #cultcinema #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 11, 1986, Vamp debuted in Australia. Here’s some original Grace Jones fan art!
#Vamp #RichardWenk #GraceJones #HorrorComedy #HorrorMovies #NewWordPictures #80sHorror #Vampires #VampireArt #GothicHorror #VampireArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#vamp #richardwenk #gracejones #horrorcomedy #horrormovies #newwordpictures #80sHorror #vampires #vampireart #GothicHorror #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 11, 1963, William Castle’s 13 Frightened Girls debuted in New York City. Here’s some original Kathy Dunn art to celebrate!
#13FrightenedGirls #WilliamCastle #KathyDunn #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryFIlm #TeenMovie #ComedyMovies #ExploitationFilm #MysteryMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#13frightenedgirls #williamcastle #kathydunn #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysteryfilm #teenmovie #comedymovies #exploitationfilm #mysterymovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 8, 1979, The Masque of the Red Death was screened on Son of Svengoolie. Here’s some Vincent Price art to celebrate!
#TheMasqueOfTheRedDeath #RogerCorman #VincentPrice #GothicHorror #HistoricalHorror #SupernaturalHorror #ClassicHorror #HorrorArt #EdgarAllanPoe #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#themasqueofthereddeath #RogerCorman #vincentprice #GothicHorror #historicalhorror #supernaturalhorror #classichorror #horrorart #edgarallanpoe #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 8, 2007, Mark of the Vampire was released on DVD in Canada. Here’s a portrait of Carroll Borland and Bela Lugosi!
#MarkOfTheVampire #TodBrowning #CarrollBorland #BelaLugosi #VampireFilm #HorrorMovies #ClassicHorror #GothicHorror #VampireArt #HorrorArt #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#markofthevampire #todbrowning #carrollborland #belalugosi #vampirefilm #horrormovies #classichorror #GothicHorror #vampireart #horrorart #tcmunderground #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On September 8, 2007, No Country for Old Men was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s some Javier Bardem fan art!
#NoCountryForOldMen #TheCoenBrothers #JavierBardem #CormacMcCarthy #Western #NeoWestern #2000sMovies #CrimeThriller #ActionMovie #Texas #Portrait #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#nocountryforoldmen #thecoenbrothers #javierbardem #cormacmccarthy #western #neowestern #2000smovies #crimethriller #actionmovie #texas #portrait #movieart #art #moviehistory
On September 7, 1990, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer in the United States. Here’s some original Michael Rooker fan art!
#HenryPortraitOfASerialKiller #JohnMcNaughton #MichaelRooker #HorrorMovies #TheLastDriveIn #Horror #SlasherMovies #ExploitationFilm #HorrorFIlm #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#henryportraitofaserialkiller #johnmcnaughton #michaelrooker #horrormovies #thelastdrivein #horror #slashermovies #exploitationfilm #horrorfilm #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 7, 1999, Fright Night was released on DVD in Canada. Here’s some new art to celebrate!
#FrightNight #TomHolland #HorrorComedy #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #IndependentFilm #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorArt #Vampires#GothicHorror #HorrorFanArt #Art #MovieHistory
#frightnight #tomholland #horrorcomedy #horror #horrormovies #horrorart #independentfilm #supernaturalhorror #vampires #horrorfanart #art #moviehistory
On September 7, 2012, Spring Breakers premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s some art!
#SpringBreakers #HarmonyKorine #StonerComedy #CrimeFilm #BuddyComedy #AvantGardeFilm #NeoNoir #Satire #BlackComedy #MovieArt #Art #JamesFranco #MovieHistory
#springbreakers #harmonykorine #stonercomedy #crimefilm #buddycomedy #avantgardefilm #neonoir #Satire #blackcomedy #movieart #art #jamesfranco #moviehistory
On September 7, 2015, Border Radio and Smithereens were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some art inspired by both punk features!
#TCMUnderground #BorderRadio #Smithereens #PunkMovies #Punk #PunkArt #UndergroundFilm #IndieFilm #FanArt #Drawing #MidnightMovies #DoubleFeature #TCMParty #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tcmunderground #borderradio #smithereens #punkmovies #punk #punkart #undergroundfilm #indiefilm #FanArt #drawing #midnightmovies #doublefeature #TCMParty #movieart #moviehistory
On September 7, 2020, White Zombie was screened at the Lyon Festival Hallucinations Collectives. Here’s some original Bela Lugosi art!
#WhiteZombie #BelaLugosi #PreCodeMovies #HorrorFilm #30sHorror #ClassicHorror #HorrorArt #ClassicFilm #ClassicHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #Movies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#whitezombie #belalugosi #precodemovies #horrorfilm #30shorror #classichorror #horrorart #classicfilm #horrormovies #horror #movies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 7, 1982, Blade Runner was screened at the Venice Film Festival. Here’s some Daryl Hannah art!
#BladeRunner #RidleyScott #PhilipKDick #DystopianSciFI #SciFI #ScienceFiction #CyberPunk #DarylHannah #NeoNoir #SciFiArt #Art #CultMovies #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#BladeRunner #ridleyscott #philipkdick #DystopianSciFi #scifi #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #darylhannah #neonoir #scifiart #art #cultmovies #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On September 7, 1958, Queen of Outer Space debuted in the United States. Here’s some Zsa Zsa Gabor art!
#QueenOfOuterSpace #EdwardBernds #ZsaZsaGabor #SpaceAdventureFIlm #ScienceFiction #SciFiMovie #1950s #Venus #Retrofuturism #NotebookSketch #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#queenofouterspace #edwardbernds #zsazsagabor #spaceadventurefilm #sciencefiction #scifimovie #1950s #venus #retrofuturism #notebooksketch #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 7, 2011, Daughter of Horror was screened at the L’Estrange Festival. Here’s some Adrienne Barrett art to mark the occasion!
#DaughterOfHorror #Dementia #JohnParker #AdrienneBarrett #ExperimentalFilm #Horror #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #AvantGardeFilm #ExpressionistFilm #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#daughterofhorror #dementia #johnparker #adriennebarrett #experimentalfilm #horror #horrorfilm #horrorart #avantgardefilm #expressionistfilm #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 6, 1995, Plan 9 From Outer Space was released theatrically in France. Here’s a new drawing of The Amazing Criswell to mark the occasion!
#Plan9FromOuterSpace #EdWoodJr #TheAmazigCriswell #GothicHorror #AtomPunk #SciFi #HorrorMovies #HorrorSciFi #ZMovies #MidnightMovies #Art #CultMovieArt #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#plan9fromouterspace #edwoodjr #theamazigcriswell #GothicHorror #atompunk #scifi #horrormovies #horrorscifi #zmovies #midnightmovies #art #cultmovieart #horrorart #scifiart #movieart #moviehistory
On September 6, 2017, X: The Man With the X-Ray Eyes was screened at MOTELX - Lisbon International Horror Film Festival. Here’s some original fan art!
#XTheManWithTheXRayEyes #RogerCorman #ExploitationFilm #SciFi #SciFiHorror #HorrorArt #SciFIArt #CultMovies #GrindhouseFIlm #FanArt #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#xthemanwiththexrayeyes #RogerCorman #exploitationfilm #scifi #scifihorror #horrorart #scifiart #cultmovies #grindhousefilm #FanArt #drawing #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering classic horror icon Max Schreck on the anniversary of his date of birth.
(1879 - 1936)
#HappyBirthdy #MaxSchreck #Nosferatu #CountOrlak #HorrorArt #VampireArt #GothicHorror #HorrorFanArt #ClassicFilm #GermanExpressionism #Art #MovieHistory #Vampires
#happybirthdy #maxschreck #nosferatu #countorlak #horrorart #vampireart #GothicHorror #horrorfanart #classicfilm #germanexpressionism #art #moviehistory #vampires
On September 6, 1989, Mystery Train debuted in France. Here’s some Joe Strummer, Rick Aviles, and Steve Buscemi art!
#MysteryTrain #JimJarmusch #JoeStrummer #RickAviles #SteveBuscemi #AnthologyFilm #IndependentFilm #80sMovies #Memphis #JapaneseFilm #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#mysterytrain #jimjarmusch #joestrummer #rickaviles #stevebuscemi #anthologyfilm #independentfilm #80smovies #memphis #japanesefilm #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On September 6, 1979, Alien debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some original Ripley art!
#Alien #Alien1979 #RidleyScott #SigourneyWeaver #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #SciFiHorror #DystopianFilm #DystopianSciFi #Art #PopArt #Drawing #70sSciFi #MovieHistory
#alien #alien1979 #ridleyscott #sigourneyweaver #horrorart #scifiart #scifihorror #dystopianfilm #DystopianSciFi #art #popart #drawing #70sscifi #moviehistory
On September 5, 1980, Contamination debuted in West Germany. Here’s some original art to celebrate!
#Contamination#SciFiHorror #SciFiMovies #80sHorror #HorrorMovies #SciFiMovies #DriveInMovies # #ToxicSpawn #AlienInvasionFilm #ItalianFIlm #ItalianHorror #VideoNasty #Art #PopArt #TheLastDriveIn #MovieHistory
#contamination #scifimovies #80sHorror #horrormovies #driveinmovies #toxicspawn #alieninvasionfilm #italianfilm #italianhorror #videonasty #art #popart #thelastdrivein #moviehistory