Congrats to #BBC2 for showing #ErrolFlynn and #OliviadeHavilland in the 1938 classic The Adventures of #RobinHood for #BoxingDay. I wrote about one of my favourite #movies here: #classicfilm #movielegends
#movielegends #classicfilm #Movies #boxingday #RobinHood #OliviadeHavilland #errolflynn #bbc2
#DouglasFairbanks as #RobinHood tells #AlanHale as Little John to stick around and look after the next Robin Hood too — #ErrolFlynn. Check out my spotlight on Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood, the 1922 silent movie that transformed the Robin Hood legend. #silentfilm #silentmovies #ClassicFilm #MovieLegends #FilmLegends
#filmlegends #movielegends #classicfilm #silentmovies #silentfilm #errolflynn #alanhale #RobinHood #douglasfairbanks