Listening to the Movie Oubliette podcast episode on Enemy Mine, it occurs to me that the Dracs could be read as an analogue for Jews, and Davidge and the expansionist humans as an analogue for anti-Semites. I remember really loving this movie as a youngster, and I still think it was very progressive for 1980s Hollywood. But rewatching it as an adult, I have to admit it hasn't aged well.
#movies #EnemyMine #podcast #movieoubliette
It's easy to scoff at the B grade material Disney has been putting out under the Star Wars name. But I challenge anyone to watch Battle Beyond the Stars, Roger Corman's 1980 space opera take on Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven, and tell me Disney couldn't have done any worse. Here's the Movie Oubliette podcast dissecting the movie:
#podcast #movies #MovieOubliette #Disney #StarWars #RogerCorman #BattleBeyondTheStars
#podcast #movies #movieoubliette #disney #starwars #rogercorman #battlebeyondthestars