Sophie Marceau sells her first night to a wealthy businessman
#Dramas #moviecommentary #movierecommendations #movies #popularmovies #tvseries #ソフィー・マルソー
#dramas #moviecommentary #movierecommendations #movies #popularmovies #tvseries #ソフィー・マルソー
He has been sleeping on my left arm for almost 2 hours. My hand is completely asleep. I watched all of the Michael J Fox doco 'Still' like that. 13/10 highly recommend
#niko #dogs #DogsOfMastodon #movierecommendations
Without any spoilers, is Bodies, Bodies, Bodies worth watching? I’d have to import the DVD which would cost $20 including shipping (for reference it costs about that to go see a movie at a theater in Japan so it’s not crazy).
Shipping would be the same if I add other DVDs, so any other 2022 movies that are worth seeing? We have to wait forever to have them appear in Japanese theaters or streaming/DVD here.
#bodiesbodiesbodies #movierecommendations
Any recommendations for an absolutely must watch movie for tonight? Netflix, Apple TV or Amazon Prime all good
#recommendedwatches #movierecommendations #movie
I was at 9gag, and someone brought up #EventHorizon . It's a great 90s #movie , it has #scifi , it has #horror . It has great visual and special effects, IMO scientifically realistic spaceship. The actual science is questionable, but that's forgivable.
#movierecommendations #horror #scifi #movie #eventhorizon
Just saw #GlassOnion. Color me thoroughly entertained.
#glassonion #movierecommendations
Watched this movie last night:
“Love is not enough. You have to fight to protect kindness. You get attached to people and things. And they might just break your heart. But that’s being alive.” - Burt Berendsen (Amsterdam)
This movie was surprising. Enjoyable, quirky, and had a lot of truth mixed in.
#movies #MovieRecommendations #Amsterdam #ChristianBale #MargotRobie #JohnDavidWashington #RobertDeNiro #AnyaTaylorJoy #RamiMalek #ChrisRock #ZoeSaldana #TaylorSwift
#movies #movierecommendations #amsterdam #christianbale #margotrobie #johndavidwashington #robertdeniro #anyataylorjoy #ramimalek #chrisrock #zoesaldana #taylorswift
Christmas dinner done. Cleaned up the kitchen. Time now for a little sleep before a drive to the coast for a wander with the family.
Any recommendations for a good film to fall asleep to after Christmas evening meal and snacks are done??
#christmasday #movierecommendations
#christmasday #movierecommendations #lazydays
For @bales1181 · Dec 18.. Snowflake in a movie, #Bales2022FilmChallenge
#film #filmreview #movies #moviereview #MovieRecommendations #RockHudson #miafarrow
#bales2022filmchallenge #film #filmreview #movies #moviereview #movierecommendations #rockhudson #miafarrow
Haven't seen the last .5 hr yet, but del Toro's Pinocchio was interesting enough needles-in-arms viewing.
(I give platelets every few weeks just because i easily can when there are so many valid reasons that keep people out. Yeah yeah voluntarism, but it's also become my best time to watch a block of media, full attention. I ♥️ Netflix recs of ~1.5 hrs duration if you happen to notice any, thanks. 👍= 🧠 occupied enough to not fixate on an itchy nose.)
#giveblood #movierecommendations
Haven't seen the last .5 hr yet, but del Toro's Pinocchio was interesting enough needles-in-arms viewing.
(I give platelets every few weeks just because i easily can when there are so many valid reasons that keep people out. Yeah yeah voluntarism, but it's also become my best time to watch a block of media, full attention. I ♥️ Netflix recs of ~1.5 hrs duration if you happen to notice any, thanks. 👍= 🧠 occupied enough to not fixate on an itchy nose.)
#giveblood #movierecommendations
The Best of 2022 year-end wrap-up continues today with our take on the year's best movies. Check it out and let's hear your faves. Have you watched our top picks? #Bestof2022 #Movies #MovieRecommendations
#movierecommendations #movies #bestof2022