"The Fields Movie Studio" coming to #Chicago...
Next year it will open at the former site of #MarshallFields warehouse campus on NW side of city, near Pulaski and Diversy. The studio will have nine soundstages plus production offices, and backlots for set production.
#FilmProduction #Movies #Studios #Jobs #Employment #MovieSet #MovieSets #Film #FilmSet #FilmSets #MovieProduction #TheFields #Illinois #SetProduction
#Chicago #marshallfields #filmproduction #movies #studios #jobs #employment #movieset #moviesets #film #filmset #filmsets #movieproduction #thefields #illinois #setproduction
The KLF - Kylie Said to Jason 12" 1989 ...at the site of 'Flagstone', the western town built by Sergio Leone for Once Upon a Time in the West.
#onceuponatimeinthewest #flagstone #movieset #filmset #lacalahorra #granada #klf #jimmycauty #billdrummond #kyliesaidtojason #whiteroom #onlocation #roadtrip #sergioleone #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #recordcollection #recordcollector #vinyljunkie #poster #12inchvinyl #kylieminogue #jasondonovan
#onceuponatimeinthewest #flagstone #movieset #filmset #lacalahorra #granada #klf #jimmycauty #billdrummond #kyliesaidtojason #whiteroom #onlocation #roadtrip #sergioleone #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #recordcollection #recordcollector #vinyljunkie #poster #12inchvinyl #kylieminogue #jasondonovan
Well, the V&A’s toilets have certainly got worse since I left…
The set from the film Parasite, in Hallyu! The Korean Wave exhibition…
#SouthKorea #Parasite #ParasiteMovie #kpop #hallyu #hallyuwave #KoreanWave #VictoriaAndAlbertMuseum #VictoriaAndAlbert #exhibition #filmset #movieset
#movieset #filmset #exhibition #victoriaandalbert #victoriaandalbertmuseum #koreanwave #hallyuwave #hallyu #kpop #ParasiteMovie #parasite #southkorea
Well, the V&A’s toilets have certainly got worse since I left…
The set from the film Parasite, in Hallyu! The Korean Wave exhibition…
#SouthKorea #Parasite #ParasiteMovie #K-Pop #kpop hallyu #hallyuwave #KoreanWave #VictoriaAndAlbertMuseum #VictoriaAndAlbert #exhibition #filmset #movieset
#movieset #filmset #exhibition #victoriaandalbert #victoriaandalbertmuseum #koreanwave #hallyuwave #kpop #k #ParasiteMovie #parasite #southkorea
Not Spaghetti But....
The Reckoning 2002 used Rodalquilar Mine as a set for a medieval village in the winter.
#thereckoning #movieset #rodalquilar #almeria #cabodegata
1 m
#thereckoning #movieset #rodalquilar #almeria #cabodegata
Kanab, Utah was a hotbed of western movie and TV making from the 1920s until the 1980s.
The buildings in these images are part of the remains of the set for the American western TV series "Gunsmoke". They are on Johnson Canyon Road which is about 7 miles east of Kanab.
One of the things that made this location great is that Johnson Canyon has sheer walls which makes it perfect for ambushes where the bad guys are on top shooting down at the good guys. And although the canyon is short, when you are in the middle you can't see out either end. Great for getting trapped in a "box canyon".
#abandoned #photography #photos #utah #kanab ##johnsoncanyon #gunsmoke #tvshows #movieset #nikon
#abandoned #photography #photos #utah #Kanab #johnsoncanyon #gunsmoke #tvshows #movieset #nikon
😆 #movieset #lifeonset #plateau #ad #assistantrealisateur #dop #director #realisateur #tournage @meme_regie_prod
#movieset #lifeonset #plateau #ad #assistantrealisateur #dop #director #realisateur #tournage
Something a little different for #TombTuesday and these are some photos of #AngelinaJolie and #DanielCraig on the set of the #LaraCroft #TombRaider #movie. My uncle Hughie, was one of the owners of one of the packs of #huskies that were used in the film, and those are his #dogs being run by Daniel in the third shot.
#dogsofmastodon #movieset #filmset #Husky #Dogs #huskies #movie #tombraider #laracroft #danielcraig #angelinajolie #TombTuesday
Actor/ Director Rob Reiner was filming the movie "Flipped" in Manchester, Michigan (2009). I took a few photos where the opportunity afforded. I stood inside a storefront for the 2nd photo. How about that old Ford truck? #Film #RobReiner #Flipped #MovieSet
#film #robreiner #flipped #movieset
Visited the Universal Studios backlot this weekend and fangirled HARD at the Nope set. I only wished we could have spent more time there, there were so many awesome little details to spot. From the wishing well tokens scattered about to the little alien figures hidden in windows and peeking around corners.
#jordanpeele #universalstudios #photography #movieset #nope
More BTS from the short movie "Övergången", not yet released.
#photography #movieset #behindthescenes #bts
Saint-Marc-sur-Mer, 2006
Rob #Merho
(geplaatst met zijn toestemming)
Merk op dat de pijp van Tati was afgerukt.
#jacquestati #movieset #saintmarcsurmer #france #lamer #beaches #monsieurhulot #lesvacancesdemonsieurhulot #mrhulotsholiday #cinema
#cinema #mrhulotsholiday #lesvacancesdemonsieurhulot #monsieurhulot #beaches #lamer #france #saintmarcsurmer #movieset #JacquesTati #merho
john carpenter wearing a helmet shirt...
#johncarpenter #helmet #shirt #handshake #alien #corporates #businessman #hat #staches #jameswoods #vampires #movieset #behindthescenes #1998
#helmet #shirt #corporates #businessman #jameswoods #vampires #movieset #behindthescenes #hat #staches #johncarpenter #alien