Always accommodating for the kitties no matter what’s going on, and preparing to move is no exception!
Persephone is looking out the window and speculating what our new home might be like 💖
#Unhoused #Homeless #Inn #Debt #EvictionRisk #MovingSoon #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #PackingToMove
#unhoused #homeless #inn #debt #evictionrisk #movingsoon #cats #catsofmastodon #packingtomove
Omg, talking to our Bestie (future roommate), and I'm actually getting so excited and hopeful!!! 🥺
#Homelessness #Unhoused #Cats #Kitties #CPTSD #MovingSoon #Excited
#homelessness #unhoused #cats #kitties #cptsd #movingsoon #excited
I just wanna curl up under a soft blanket, have a good cry, and take a nap.
But I need to update our social media, our fundraisers, and sort laundry.
I can't wait to be out of here.
#Unhoused #Inn #MovingSoon #Cfs #Fatigue #LongCovid #Crowdfunding
#unhoused #inn #movingsoon #cfs #fatigue #LongCovid #crowdfunding
Moving Soon? Find Out How To Do It Easier
If you are moving soon? Relocating from one home to another involves a lot of heavy lifting and might seem like a huge burden. One of those tough challenges makes you wish you had magical powers. As moving day draws near, you may feel some anxiety about how you'll be able to make the shift
#RealEstateAndHomeTalkStuff #Moving #MovingSoon?FindOutHowToDoItEasier #MovingTips
#realestateandhometalkstuff #moving #movingsoon #movingtips
Got a note saying that the landlord is going to up the rent at the end of the year. By $300/month. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha no. #movingsoon
Got a note saying that the landlord is going to up the rent at the end of the year. By $300/month. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha no. #movingsoon
Got a note saying that the landlord is going to up the rent at the end of the year. By $300/month. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha no. #movingsoon
Got a note saying that the landlord is going to up the rent at the end of the year. By $300/month. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha no. #movingsoon