Another day for mowing. It's getting hot out there so gotta be careful. Started with the new Bully and pulling some weeds and went from there.
#mowday #mowmetal #music #bully #luckyforyou #highonfire #electricmessiah #blackbreath #slavesbeyonddeath #allpigsmustdie #hostageanimal
#mowday #mowmetal #music #bully #luckyforyou #HighOnFire #electricmessiah #blackbreath #slavesbeyonddeath #allpigsmustdie #hostageanimal
Mowed the backyard today. I measure the time it takes in albums, usually some form of metal because it just makes sense.
Today took one Black Sabbath, one Goatsnake and a bit of a Queens of the Stone Age. Sabbath Blooody Sabbath, Black Age Blues and Era Vulgaris, respectively.
#mowday #mowmetal #music #metal #blacksabbath #sabbathbloodysabbath #goatsnake #blackageblues #queensofthestoneage #eravulgairis
#mowday #mowmetal #music #metal #blacksabbath #SabbathBloodySabbath #goatsnake #blackageblues #queensofthestoneage #eravulgairis