Since there is a lot of chatter about abandoning Chrome: can somebody please explain to me, why one would ever choose Chrome over Firefox? I've been using Firefox since 2005 and never missed anything or had any severe issues. There simply never was a reason to switch, esp not to Chrome. I genuinely don't get it.
I only have Chrome installed today because I'm compelled to use some broken-by-design web apps like MSTeams that won't work on Firefox.
#googlechrome #chrome #mozillafirefox #firefox
Googles Chrome dominiert: Wie der Browser die Weblandschaft veränderte
Am 2. September 2008 präsentierte Google seine Neuentwicklung: den Chrome-Browser, speziell für Windows XP. Wer hätte damals gedacht, dass dieser Webbrowser nur
#News #Tellerrand #ApplesSafari #BrowserRanking #Chromium #Edge #GoogleChrome #InternetExplorer #Marktanteil #Microsoft #MozillaFirefox #StatCounter
#News #tellerrand #applessafari #browserranking #chromium #edge #googlechrome #internetexplorer #marktanteil #microsoft #mozillafirefox #statcounter
#Webbrowser: Neue #Firefox-Releases schließen mehrere Sicherheitslücken | Security #Mozilla #Patchday #Browser #MozillaFirefox
#webbrowser #firefox #mozilla #patchday #browser #mozillafirefox
/The simple truth is:
There is no good browser/
Ενδιαφέρουσα συζήτηση σήμερα στο φόρουμ του EndeavourOS
#Firefox soll auch unter #Android bald beliebige Erweiterungen unterstützen | heise online #MobileBrowser #BrowserExtension #BrowserExtensions #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox
#firefox #android #mobilebrowser #browserextension #browserextensions #mozilla #mozillafirefox
For a bit more tech savvy people: Why do chromium based browsers (specially Edge) consume more memory?
I mostly use #firefox and #bravebrowser but often would access GPT4 through Edge. And the system would become very slow (both windows and mac) with fan sound coming out!
It is relatively much faster with Firefox.
#firefox #bravebrowser #browsers #foss #microsoftedge #mozillafirefox
#Firefox, #Thunderbird und #TorBrowser bekommen Sicherheitsupdates | Security #MozillaFirefox #MozillaThunderbird #Patchday
#firefox #thunderbird #torbrowser #mozillafirefox #mozillathunderbird #patchday
Firefox: come utilizzare al meglio la barra dell’URL
#Mozilla #Browser #InEvidenza #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #MozillaFirefoxNightly #MozillaItalia #Pillole #RicercaESviluppo #Software #TestHwSw
#mozilla #browser #inevidenza #mozillafirefox #mozillafirefoxnightly #mozillaitalia #pillole #ricercaesviluppo #software #testhwsw
Letture per il weekend: addio a RARBG, nel frattempo dedichiamoci a IT-alert e ai complottismi gratuiti
#Varie #Apple #BitTorrent #Docker #F1 #Gaming #GitHub #GoogleAndroid #Intel #iOS #Italia #LaSettimanaDi #LetturePerIlWeekend #Links #Linux #macOS #Microsoft #MicrosoftExchange #MicrosoftWindows #MicrosoftXbox #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #OpenSource #OpenSourceS
#varie #apple #bittorrent #docker #f1 #gaming #github #GoogleAndroid #intel #ios #italia #lasettimanadi #lettureperilweekend #links #linux #macos #microsoft #MicrosoftExchange #microsoftwindows #microsoftxbox #mozilla #mozillafirefox #opensource #Opensources
Letture per il weekend: addio a RARBG, nel frattempo dedichiamoci a IT-alert e ai complottismi gratuiti
#Varie #Apple #BitTorrent #Docker #F1 #Gaming #GitHub #GoogleAndroid #Intel #iOS #Italia #LaSettimanaDi #LetturePerIlWeekend #Links #Linux #macOS #Microsoft #MicrosoftExchange #MicrosoftWindows #MicrosoftXbox #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #OpenSource #OpenSourceS
#varie #apple #bittorrent #docker #f1 #gaming #github #GoogleAndroid #intel #ios #italia #lasettimanadi #lettureperilweekend #links #linux #macos #microsoft #MicrosoftExchange #microsoftwindows #microsoftxbox #mozilla #mozillafirefox #opensource #Opensources
Firefox: bloccare il popup di proposta traduzione
#Mozilla #aboutconfig #Browser #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #MozillaFirefoxNightly #MozillaItalia #Pillole #RicercaESviluppo #Software #TestHwSw
#mozilla #aboutconfig #browser #mozillafirefox #mozillafirefoxnightly #mozillaitalia #pillole #ricercaesviluppo #software #testhwsw
Firefox: bloccare il popup di proposta traduzione
#Mozilla #aboutconfig #Browser #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #MozillaFirefoxNightly #MozillaItalia #Pillole #RicercaESviluppo #Software #TestHwSw
#mozilla #aboutconfig #browser #mozillafirefox #mozillafirefoxnightly #mozillaitalia #pillole #ricercaesviluppo #software #testhwsw
Firefox: bloccare il popup di proposta traduzione
#Mozilla #aboutconfig #Browser #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #MozillaFirefoxNightly #MozillaItalia #Pillole #RicercaESviluppo #Software #TestHwSw
#mozilla #aboutconfig #browser #mozillafirefox #mozillafirefoxnightly #mozillaitalia #pillole #ricercaesviluppo #software #testhwsw
#librewolf #mozillafirefox #mozilla #firefox #maj
@deepentertains I just had a look: too bad #MozillaFirefox is not compatible :(
§ #Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:aboriginal: :boostplease: :fx: :jaguar: :legoblue: :legogreen: :legoorange: :legopink: :legoyellow: :lion: :nvred: :ohno: :paws: :pelican: :tb:
#Aborigen #Aborígenes #Adherir #Adhesión #Adhesiones #Firefox #MozillaFirefox #Jaguar #Lego #LadrilloLego #LadrillosLego #León #NoVerificado #Verificado #Insignia #Insignias #OhNo #Garras #Pelícano #Thunderbird #MozillaThunderbird
#MozillaThunderbird #thunderbird #pelicano #garras #ohno #insignias #insignia #Verificado #noverificado #leon #ladrilloslego #ladrillolego #lego #jaguar #mozillafirefox #Firefox #adhesiones #adhesion #adherir #aborigenes #aborigen #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
§ #Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis
:aboriginal: :boostplease: :fx: :jaguar: :legoblue: :legogreen: :legoorange: :legopink: :legoyellow: :lion: :nvred: :ohno: :paws: :pelican: :tb:
#Aboriginal #Boost #Firefox #MozillaFirefox #Jaguar #Lego #LegoBrick #LegoBricks #Lion #NotVerified #Verified #Badge #Badges #OhNo #Paws #Pelican #Thunderbird #MozillaThunderbird
#MozillaThunderbird #thunderbird #pelican #paws #ohno #badges #badge #verified #notverified #lion #legobricks #legobrick #lego #jaguar #mozillafirefox #Firefox #boost #aboriginal #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji
Mozilla Italia: la prima vera revisione di PYr2z e le nuove release
#Mozilla #7Zip #Browser #Eventi #fx2zip #GitHub #MicrosoftWindows #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox #MozillaFirefoxNightly #MozillaItalia #MozillaThunderbird #OpenSource #OpenSourceSoftware #Python #r2z #Release2Zip #RicercaESviluppo #Software #Sourceforge #tb2zip #TestHwSw
#mozilla #7zip #browser #eventi #fx2zip #github #microsoftwindows #mozillafirefox #mozillafirefoxnightly #mozillaitalia #mozillathunderbird #opensource #opensourcesoftware #python #r2z #release2zip #ricercaesviluppo #software #sourceforge #tb2zip #testhwsw
#web #navigateur #browser #chromium #chrome #mozillafirefox #firefox #mozilla
"We hopen uiteindelijk een veilige, goed georganiseerde plek binnen Mastodon te bouwen die open is voor iedereen", aldus Mozilla.
Ehhhh? En waarom zou ik daarheen willen verhuizen? Sorry, maar dit is een marketingstrategie, geen altruïsme.
#Firefox #MozillaFirefox