J'adore vraiment /e/ OS c'est dégooglé, ça fonctionne bien sur mon #fairphone, nickel.
MAIS pour choper une position #GPS ça met des plombes (genre +5 min) je comprends pas. (Capture jointe)
@e_mydata (tell me guys if u want me to translate this)
#mozillalocationservices #degoogled #gps #fairphone
J'adore vraiment /e/ OS c'est dégooglé, ça fonctionne bien sur mon #fairphone, nickel.
MAIS pour choper une position #GPS ça met des plombes (genre +5 min) je comprends pas. (Capture jointe)
@e_mydata (tell me guys if u want me to translate this)
#mozillalocationservices #degoogled #gps #fairphone
Found some alternative backends (though I don't have anything against #mozillalocationservices: I'm just curious: https://github.com/microg/UnifiedNlp ).
Actually found an answer: #eOS comes with #microg, which itself is configured (in my setup at least) to use #mozillalocationservices as the "network-based geolocation module". Not sure if that's set by microG or /e/ OS, or if there could be an alternative to MLS here, but that's where it is setup.
As for MLS, there is little activity on the forum, but it's apparently not dead: https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/location/506
Would be cool if microG could collect WiFi data with MLS (opt-in)!
#eos #microg #mozillalocationservices
@gael I've been wondering: is it right that #eOS uses the #mozillalocationservices (I guess part of those A-GPS data that get downloaded?). I could not find that information online, and I am not completely sure about the state of the #mozillalocationservices project... Completely out of curiosity :-)