Last week during PPC's #MoralPovertyActionCongress ( #MPAC ), on Tuesday, June 20, the #PoorPeoplesCampaign had simultaneous visits with much of the US Congress. MD PPC met with 7 of its US Legislators' offices and dropped off informational packets to all 10.
These pix are from the visit with the offices of Reps. Ruppersberger and Sarbanes.
#MPAC2023 #PovertyIsDeath #PovertyEqualsDeath #WeWontBeSilentAnymore
#moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac #poorpeoplescampaign #mpac2023 #povertyisdeath #povertyequalsdeath #wewontbesilentanymore
Last week during PPC's #MoralPovertyActionCongress ( #MPAC ), on Tuesday, June 20, the #PoorPeoplesCampaign had simultaneous visits with much of the US Congress. MD PPC met with 7 of its US Legislators' offices and dropped off informational packets to all 10.
These pix are of visits with Rep. Hoyer himself and the offices of Rep. Ivey and Rep. Harris.
#MPAC2023 #PovertyIsDeath #PovertyEqualsDeath #WeWontBeSilentAnymore
#moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac #poorpeoplescampaign #mpac2023 #povertyisdeath #povertyequalsdeath #wewontbesilentanymore
Last week during PPC's #MoralPovertyActionCongress ( #MPAC ), on Tuesday, June 20, the #PoorPeoplesCampaign had simultaneous visits with much of the US Congress. MD PPC met with 7 of its US Legislators' offices and dropped off informational packets to all 10.
These are the pix from the visit with Sen. Van Hollen's office and the drop-off to Sen. Cardin's.
#MPAC2023 #PovertyIsDeath #PovertyEqualsDeath #WeWontBeSilentAnymore
#moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac #poorpeoplescampaign #mpac2023 #povertyisdeath #povertyequalsdeath #wewontbesilentanymore
We live in a country where poverty is frequently a death sentence
But we choose to let nearly half our population *and more than half of our children* live in, or near to, poverty - in unstable housing situations, without adequate nutrition, healthcare, or even sometimes basic sanitation.
#poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
#poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
This means poverty as a cause of death is behind heart disease, cancer, and smoking, but ahead of a lot of other causes that get much more media attention - such as homicide, gun violence, overdoses, and diabetes.
#poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
#poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
At the close of the #poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress here are some stats on poverty in America (pre-COVID):
There are 140 million poor and low and income people in the U.S. That’s 43% of people who are living paycheck to paycheck, one mishap away from ruin.
52% of American children belong to poor or low-income families.
And poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. #MPAC 1/2
#poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
American politicians talk about creating a strong middle class but they don’t talk about #poverty. Demand that the electeds who represent *you* talk about ending poverty - and walk the talk. #poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #MPAC
#poverty #poorpeoplescampaign #moralpovertyactioncongress #mpac
Brass Band of the Western Reserve – Classical Brass
Come see the Brass Band of the Western Reserve Saturday March 25 7pm at the Medina Performing Arts Center.
Purchase Tickets online before the end of day March
#Music #BBWR #BrassBand #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve #BrassBandoftheWesternReserve-ClassicalBrass #ClassicalBrass #Kevin #Medina #MedinaPerformingArtsCenter #MPAC #Music #Ohio #WesternReserve
#music #bbwr #brassband #brassbandofthewesternreserve #classicalbrass #kevin #Medina #medinaperformingartscenter #mpac #ohio #westernreserve
#Muslim Public Affairs Council supports fired #Hamline Professor, ask that Hamline return her job. #MPAC