A self #introduction post: I study #security and like using #rustlang to solve problems at work and for fun.
I make music for fun using original software, #synthesizer hardware, and #guitar. I work DAWless with an #mpc1000 or else using #linuxaudio in #renoise. I mix in #ardour.
My most useful recent for-fun software creation might be memoradical, a bring-your-own-data flashcards app that uses HTML5 local storage.
#Introduction #security #rustlang #synthesizer #guitar #mpc1000 #linuxaudio #renoise #ardour
Fixing #mpc1000 buttons... Because these have got fricken expensive.
Super glue and backing powder.
#FixingWhatsBroke #akaimpc1000 #superglue #DIYrepair
#mpc1000 #FixingWhatsBroke #akaimpc1000 #superglue #DIYrepair