RT @CarmeloFerrai
Nice work on surface condensation @NaturePhysics. @mpicbg #mpipks @PoLDresden @csbdresden
They show a non-trivial consequence of condensation for DNA specificity. @joseMLan Sina Wittmann @Sandeep_IMSc, @HymanLab, Frank Julicher @StephanGrill https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-021-01462-2
Researchers @mpicbg, #mpipks & at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden show that mechanical structures within tubules that transport bile fluid could protect the whole tubular network against elevated pressure. Publication in@JCellBiol@mstdn.science by Maarten Bebelman, Matthew Bovyn from the labs of Marino Zerial and Pierre Haas. https://www.mpi-cbg.de/news-outreach/news-media/article/withstanding-the-pressure #cellbiology #mpicbg