Semana Negra o cómo sobrevivir una semana completa en GNU/Linux sin
interface gráfica, solamente usando la consola o terminal.
#ASCII #Bash #Consola #ConsoleNinja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #FLISoL #framebuffer #GNU #links2 #Linux #mplayer #OrgMode #SemanaNegra #Shell #Terminal #Tmux #TTY
#ascii #bash #consola #consoleninja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #flisol #framebuffer #gnu #links2 #linux #mplayer #orgmode #semananegra #shell #terminal #tmux #tty
#mplayer - the #opensource media player for those who don't necessarily need a UI and know their keyboard shortcuts.
@scottjohnson @briandunaway have you two considered a #MechWarrior episode of #PlayRetro yet? Netmech was my first real internet gaming experience using ipx emulation on #Kali in the mid 90s, and I spent mmo amounts of hours playing the various games in online league play. Don’t think I am the only one.
Related, what about an episode on those ipx emulation and early ip game browsing services like Kali, #MPlayer, #Heat, MS #Zone, #Kahn, etc?
#mechwarrior #playretro #Kali #mplayer #heat #zone #kahn
@fanta -ri esker, #mplayer bidez beste ordenagailu edo gailu baten edukia pantaila batean ikusteko aukera izan dugu.
Katxarreoan zabiltzatenok seguru ideiaren bat aterako duzuela 😉
I have used mplayer for longer than my friend's driving age kids have been alive.
It's been great. messing with the DISPLAY value and playing a movie from a laptop to a TV before it was normal. Finding separate subtitles and playing them along with the movie and adjusting the timing in real time.
Playing everything.
But mpv ... where did you come from ?
You're like tmux to the screen that is mplayer.
He publicado nuevo vídeo en mi canal de Youtube: Cómo mostrar tu Webcam sin retardo en la terminal Linux usando Mplayer #Linux #Mplayer
#mastoradio #pouetradio #webradio #electro #noise #hardcore #punk #rap (et parfois un peu de soupe)
le lien sans le player , utile si vous voulez lancer la radio en #cli via #vlc ou #mplayer ou toute autre commande:
#mplayer #vlc #cli #rap #punk #hardcore #noise #electro #webradio #pouetradio #mastoradio
@peter I'm still experimenting with framerates and overall "smoothness" with regards to side-scrolling etc.
What I found out so far is that #vlc seems to "compress" the image, "chopping" away the right hand side of the charset whereas #mplayer and #obs don't - it may be related to pixel-aspect-ratio but I'm not sure.
LoL~ Finally! found out the good old #mplayer (cli) works on #pinephone whilst lollipop(?) doesn't (it cannot open/play local media files?)
I downloaded the podcast mp3 files from BBC and another feminist podcaster, happily on pp.
@toad penso di averlo usato dal 2002, era praticamente l'unico player per #mac gratuito che faceva girare tutto (leggi i primissimi #divx scaricati da #emule - #edonkey2000 😍 ), c'era anche #mplayer al tempo ma #VLC ha sempre avuto una marcia in più ❤️
#mac #divx #emule #edonkey2000 #mplayer #vlc
Me arme un #mastodont para los renders como no puedo usar mi #cliente normal uso toot en el #framebuffer, para las imagenes #fbi, para los videos #mplayer -vo fbdev2 y para las paginas webs #w3m XD
#w3m #mplayer #fbi #framebuffer #cliente #mastodont
Eta zer esan aplikazio eta programa marabillosoei... musikarako erabiltzen ditudan #mocp, #mplayer, #ardour... #kdenlive bideoak editatzeko (nahiz eta ez izan ideiarik). Kartelak egiteko super lagungarriak zaizkidan #Gimp eta #inkscape, nire PDFak editatzen dituen #pdfmod eta #scribus... zer esanik ez, #sl komandoa asmatu zutenei. I love you people, #ilovefs
#mocp #mplayer #ardour #kdenlive #gimp #inkscape #pdfmod #scribus #sl #ilovefs
#TIL a new use for #youtube-dl
How to play a youtube video in #mplayer
mplayer -fs $(youtube-dl -g "")
@fuzzface you know you're in a den of glorious nerds when everyone listening on the Icecast stream has a different comical custom user-agent string.
#bombshelterradio #linux #mplayer #icecast