Rodolfo Cota vs Real Salt Lake 16vos de Final Leagues Cup #rodolfocota #leonfc #atajadas #saves #mpm #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #Mexico #RodolfoCota #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#rodolfocota #leonfc #atajadas #saves #mpm #2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #mexico #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
Je suis tombé sur cette vidéo sur YouTube sur la MPM Erelis datant de 2018. C'était il y a 5 ans et on n'en voit pas du tout sur les routes.
Asi někdo žije v jiné realitě, protože některé designy hodin nepochopím... tolik zbytečného odpadu 🤦
#hodiny musí být praktické (čitelné), to opravdu výrobci nechápou? Anticenu vyhrává #Kaufland za jejich odpadní "designové" produkty #MuchoWow, ale najdou se úlety i u značek jako #MPM.
#hodiny #kaufland #muchowow #mpm
via Kristof Selleslach (archivist at MPM):
“The famous Le Bé type specimens are now available online. Guillaume Le Bé II sent his father’s Hebrew and Arabic type specimens to the Officina Plantiniana around 1598.”
#museumplantinmotetus #mpm #typojo
2023 MPM
via Kristof Selleslach (archivist at Museum Plantin-Moretus):
“One of the highlights for visiting type design and book history students is sammelband Arch. 153, including some of the rarest 16C type specimens. After conservation, the sammelband was fully digitised. The images can now be accessed in high res via:”
#museumplantinmotetus #mpm #typojo
I saw this on the streets of old Milwaukee, today. I don't think that I knew that cat was there. 🐈
Proposing an EV shortest path model that accounts for user preferences in: “The electric vehicle shortest path problem with time windows and prize collection” by Antonio Cassia, Ola Jabali, Federico Malucelli, Marta Pascoal. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, appeared in: M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Ślęzak (eds); ACSIS, Vol. 30, pages 313–322 (2022).
Open Access:
(1/N) It's again the time of the year for a lecture on „Biophysical Modelling of the MR signal“
- 12 lectures, each 1.5hrs
- Time: Tue+Fri, 10.15-11.45 am, CET
- Where: Lecture hall III, Jungiusstraße 9, HH
- Zoom link: DM me
#qsm #hcfm #noddidti #dwi #mpm #hmri
(1/N) It's again the time of the year for a lecture on „Biophysical Modelling of the MR signal“
- 12 lectures, each 1.5hrs
- Time: Tue+Fri, 10.15-11.45 am, CET
- Where: Lecture hall III, Jungiusstraße 9, HH
- Zoom link: DM me
#qsm #hcfm #noddidti #dwi #mpm #hmri