Haiti: 36 years after the massacre, the peasant struggle continues https://viacampesina.org/en/haiti-36-years-after-the-massacre-the-peasant-struggle-continues/ #TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #Land,WaterandTerritories #Peasants'Rights #LandGrabbing #Caribbean #TètKole #Haiti #MPP
#TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #land #peasants #landgrabbing #caribbean #tetkole #haiti #mpp
Excellente 2e journée de formation départementale des référents #pHARe menée par l’équipe de la @DSDEN_40 : entre apports théoriques et cas pratiques ! #NAH #GestionDeCrise #GestionDeConflits #CPS #MPP
#education #teamprof #teamEduc #teamcpc #teampe #mpp #cps #gestiondeconflits #gestiondecrise #nah #phare
Drove the car down to some cheap motel within driving distance of #MPP, no idea where, but probably northwest, since we did some driving in West Virginia the day between the two shows. The car was old, high mileage, and I was probably pushing it too hard the whole time. The first night was simply crazy with the storm and show, but well covered already by @bourgwick. We didn’t think we’d be able to drive the submerged car out of there that night, a miracle that we did! [3/9]
Story time! @bourgwick’s excellent #deadfreaksunite posts about the 40th anniversary debut of the #gratefuldead at #SPAC and #MPP reminded me it’s the 40th anniversary of one of my strangest post-show experiences. These pics are the carcass of our ride, a ’68 #Cutlass that melted down after the second night at Merriweather, cutting our summer tour short. Youthful hubris at 19 meets faulty equipment, encounters an incredibly kind stranger, and miraculously saves another stranger from harm. [1/9]
#deadfreaksunite #gratefuldead #spac #mpp #cutlass
#ArabiaSaudita #Mongolia
Arabia Saudita e Mongolia hanno firmato un memorandum d'intesa sulle consultazioni politiche.
Il memorandum d'intesa è stato firmato a Riyadh dal Ministro degli Esteri saudita (il Principe #Faisal bin Farhan) e dal suo omologo mongolo (Ministra degli Esteri Battsetseg #Batmunkh (#MPP|Centro-sinistra)).
#arabiasaudita #mongolia #Faisal #batmunkh #mpp
La nouvelle édition du challenge #MaPetitePlanète a commencé hier et vous pouvez encore la rejoindre :
C'est un challenge en équipes proposant des défis écologiques à vivre entre ami.e.s, famille, collègues (ou camarades de classe pour la version scolaire) pendant 3 semaines.
J'ai participé 2 fois et j'ai appris des choses à chaque fois !
Les défis sont vraiment bien documentés et ça reste ludique et challengeant :)
#mapetiteplanete #mpp #ecologie #challenge
Activar el Medium Partner Program en México
#mediumPartnerProgram #Mexico #Medium #MPP
#mediumpartnerprogram #mexico #medium #mpp
For all the people new(ish) on the Medium Partner Program, you only make money when the members (The users with the little star next their avatar) read your posts.
The members are the ones paying and from that pile of money you get pay.
#mediumpartnerprogram #money #mpp
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Cifra:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 43%
#PN|Centro-destra: 30% (-1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 3% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 2%
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 1%
Data rilevazione: 15-27 febbraio
+/-: 20-31 ottobre
Intervistati: 1007
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #pc #ca #pi
Nice to see the annual #MEC musical becoming better known, thanks to #PaulMescal. It's a great institution!
Current run of Addams Family ends tomorrow, another great success! 👏
Irish Times: Paul Mescal’s visit to alma mater wasn’t just a homecoming – it was a return to where his career began
#mec #paulmescal #Maynooth #mpp #mcc
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Factum:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 41%
#PN|Centro-destra: 26% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 9% (+1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 6% (-2)
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 4% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 11-20 febbraio
+/-: 4-16 ottobre
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #ca #pc #pi
#Sondaggi #Uruguay
Sondaggio di Factum:
#FA (#MPP-#PCU-#AU-#PS-#AP-#NE-#PVP)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 41%
#PN|Centro-destra: 26% (-1)
#CA|Destra populista: 9% (+1)
#PC|Centro Batllista: 6% (-2)
#PI|Centro-sinistra umanista: 4% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 11-20 febbraio
+/-: 4-16 ottobre
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #uruguay #FA #mpp #PCU #au #ps #ap #ne #pvp #pn #ca #pc #pi
J'ai la gorge qui pique et vous?
Pour fêter la fin du challenge #mpp c'est dommage qd même. 🤔
Catching up with Mayor Jim Langfelder at the Investiture of @UISedu Chancellor Janet Gooch. What a great time to study with the School of Public Management and Policy in @Springfield_IL!
#PublicManagement #PublicPolicy #PublicAdministration #MPA #MPP
#publicmanagement #publicpolicy #publicadministration #mpa #mpp
Grateful to have @LtGovStratton as a partner for #HigherEducation in #Illinois. Celebrating the Investiture of Dr. Janet Gooch as the new Chancellor at @UISedu with the School of Public Policy and Management.
#PublicManagement #PublicPolicy #PublicAdministration #MPA #MPP
#highereducation #illinois #publicmanagement #publicpolicy #publicadministration #mpa #mpp
Méthode de la préoccupation partagée : "C’est une approche non-blâmante : L’intervenant adopte volontairement une attitude empathique. Il ne blâme pas les intimidateurs, ne punit pas, ne culpabilise pas. Il montre qu’il est préoccupé par la situation de l’élève cible de l’intimidation." https://www.preoccupationpartagee.org/decouvrir-la-methode/ #MPPFR #MPP #violence #harcèlement #collège #cible #école #empathie #psychologie #éducation #MPPFR #MPP #Pikas
#mppfr #mpp #violence #harcelement #college #cible #ecole #empathie #psychologie #education #pikas
Top départ #MaPetitePlanète 2023, vous pouvez encore vous inscrire !
Lors de la précédente édition, j'ai commencé un lombricomposteur, rejoint une banque éthique, donné mon lave-vaisselle sur Geev et appris plein de gestes écolos avec la super ligue #ChallengeForEarth 💚
Un défi qui m'interpelle dans la catégorie militant : "écrire ou laisser un avis en ligne à une enseigne qui garde ses vitrines allumées la nuit et lui expliquer l'impact de son action sur l'environnement." 💪
#mapetiteplanete #challengeforearth #mpp #mppdefi
#Écologie Ce soir, c'est le début du challenge Ma Petite Planète (#MPP). Pour changer à plusieurs :)
Chloé Tolmatcheff – Le harcèlement scolaire : https://www.jaimebienquandtuparles.com/podcast/chloe-tolmatcheff-le-harcelement-scolaire/ #JaimeBienQuand #cible #école #empathie, #GIRSEF #harcèlement #psychologie #éducation #UCLouvain #ULB #victimes #MPPFR #MPP #collège
#conseilpodcast #jaimebienquand #cible #ecole #empathie #girsef #harcelement #psychologie #education #uclouvain #ulb #victimes #mppfr #mpp #college