Dutch and Belgian female politicians have had enough.
Faced with direct threats, double standards, and practices they consider unchangeable, a growing number of female MPs and ministers from all parties are resigning or giving up on running for re-election.
#Netherlands #Belgium #Politics #Elections #Female #MPs #Women
#women #mps #female #Elections #Politics #belgium #Netherlands
MPS: Mini-Plasmaströme als Antrieb des Sonnenwindes
Solar Orbiter-Aufnahmen bieten den bisher besten Blick auf eine Quellregion des Teilchenstroms von der Sonne – und finden ein bisher unbekanntes Phänomen. Eine Pressemitteilung des Max-Planck-Instituts für Sonnensystemforschung. #MPS #SolarOrbiter
Theresa May attacks Boris Johnson for ‘shattering’ public trust in MPs | The Independent
#May #johnson #mps #publictrust #brexit #PartyGate #bercow #corbyn #peerage #trump
Freitag diese Woche ist es endlich soweit! Zum einen fangen die neuen Auszubildenden da an, zum anderen fahre ich nach Feierabend direkt nach #Luhmülen bei #Hamburg, zum #MPS #FetteHeide! Das wird so klasse.
Los geht's um 17h mit #YeBanishedPrivateers. Danach stehen #Rauhbein und #DArtagnan auf dem Programm. Für Mitternacht ist noch eine unplugged Überraschung angekündigt.
#luhmulen #hamburg #mps #fetteheide #yebanishedprivateers #rauhbein #dartagnan
Hach das war schön gestern auf dem #MPS in #Speyer. Auf dem Weg dahin noch leichter Regen aber als sich der verzogen hatte perfektes Festival Wetter :)
#MrHurleyUndDiePulveraffen und #Versengold haben schön Stimmung gemacht, der Tag verging wie im Flug!
#mps #speyer #mrhurleyunddiepulveraffen #versengold
Elected officials have the responsibility to do what's right not what's popular. Of course, we expect them to listen to public opinion. But we should not expect them to act on it. Their job is to listen, inform themselves, seek expert advice & implement the best solution for all.
An der Taverne.
Mehr Fotos vom Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum Bad Säckingen von mir findet ihr auf www partyamigo de
#Taverne #mps #mittelalter #mittelaltermarkt #fotografie #waswollenwirtrinken
#waswollenwirtrinken #fotografie #Mittelaltermarkt #mittelalter #mps #Taverne
Bis 19:00 Uhr hat das MPS in Weil am Rhein heute noch auf.
Noch könnt ihr dort einen Black House Special trinken!
Viel Spaß dabei!
#Taverne #fotografie
Hermosa jornada cooperativa armando los pedidos familiares del MPS. Autogestion y combate a los abusos de las grandes superficies #mercado #mps #autogestion #uruguay #alimentos
#mercado #mps #autogestion #uruguay #alimentos
Erstes Foto vom MPS - Weil am Rhein.
Hier: Fiddler's Green, sehr genialer Gig!
Weitere Bilder folgen in Kürze :)
Viele Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende
#fotografie #mps #fiddlersgreen #konzert
MPS: „Regen“ aus Elektronen erzeugt Merkurs Polarlichter
Beim ihrem ersten Vorbeiflug am Merkur fing die Sonde BepiColombo einzigartige Messdaten ein. Sie helfen, die Röntgenlicht-Polarlichter des Planeten zu verstehen. Eine Pressemitteilung des Max-Planck-Instituts für Sonnensystemforschung. #MPS #merkur #BepiColombo
Community engagement sessions on Minneapolis Police Department policies and procedures related to non-discriminatory policing, use of force, stops, searches and arrests. Part of the reform process between the city and the MN Dept of Human Rights.
Dates & locations in thread.
#Minneapolis #MinneapolisMN #Mpls #MPS #TwinCitiesMN #TwinCities #MNastodon #Minnesota #MNpol ##MNpolitics #MplsPol #MplsPolitics #MPD #MinneapolisPolice #policebrutality #policeviolence
#policeviolence #policebrutality #MinneapolisPolice #mpd #mplspolitics #MplsPol #MNpolitics #mnpol #minnesota #mnastodon #twincities #twincitiesmn #mps #mpls #minneapolismn #minneapolis
#MPs fiddled with #VoterID as #electoral data security burned
A #British #Newspaper has published a story about #SecondJobs for our #MPs. This isn't all #Corruption.
It works out as roughly £10,000 per MP which is at the petty cash level for big business. Our MPs can be bribed for less than minimum wage.
Our MPs are CHEAP.
#british #newspaper #secondjobs #mps #corruption
#MPs paid £10m for second jobs and freelance work over past year
#BorisJohnson’s extra income accounts for almost half of figure, of which vast majority was made by Tory MPs
#Upcoming Considered one of Nathan Davis' best albums, and long a collector's item, “The Hip Walk” was recorded in 1965, a time when Davis lived in Europe. Finally, it's available again for everyone to enjoy! Available via #MPS, August 18th. https://www.strandedrecords.com/products/nathan-davis-the-hip-walk-lp
Refused a drink, scapegoated by MPs: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller life in Britain is only getting harder | Ben Smoke | The Guardian
#grt #gypsies #roma #travellers #britain #mps #TravellerSites #bbc #tories #labour #poverty #deprivation #mentalhealth #lifeexpectancy #RomaAndSintiGenocideRemembranceDay #GRTRightsAreHumanRights
Attacchi diffusi alle Banche Italiane: Fineco, PBER, INTESA, MPS vanno giù per gli attacchi di NoName057(16)
Come abbiamo visto nella giornata di ieri, sono ripresi gli attacchi #informatici di tipo Distributed Denial of a Service (#DDoS) verso obiettivi #Italiani causati dagli #hacktivisti filorussi di #NoName057(16).
Nella giornata di oggi, 01/08/2023, parte un secondo round da parte degli Hacktivisti che prende di mira le infrastrutture IT delle banche italiane. A farne le spese sono #Fineco Bank, Banca #BPER, Monte dei Paschi di Siena (#MPS) ed #Intesa San Paolo.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #infosecurity
#informatici #ddos #italiani #hacktivisti #NoName057 #Fineco #bper #mps #intesa #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #infosecurity